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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Tomorrow, January 22nd. Will be the release of the switch 2!

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Welcome to /qa/ - Question & Answer

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25 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I'll test it one sec


Did it work?


This shit gave me a virus nigga



It’s a 3D model you retard, run it through virustotal.

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>a pack of 15 black men once beatdown 1 white man, this proves whitebois are inferior






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1 black bvll beat up an entire pack of ytbois, proving bbc bvlls are superior

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>dude money doesn't matter lol it's just like…. love… and feelings… and shit lol


she is right if a woman won't stay with you despite you spending zero dollars on her than she would cheat on you with someone who doesn't need to spend money on her anyways


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read it in less than a minute zero effort
kys zoomiepedo


zoomers can’t be pedos, groomer

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just found out about the power of diversity and frankly i think a nuclear bomb would beat it in a fight


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The nuclear bomb couldnt have been invented without diversity. Part of the reason why Hitler never researched it is because he thought nuclear physics was "jewish science".


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>posting gyates
please leave

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 No.193061[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Dead nigger site right now but that makes long projects easier o qualcosa.
Reply and I will draw in a new building or landform.
149 posts and 45 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Add a cafe and name it crystal cafe








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Add dodoughs to the river forest

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 No.206966[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

144 posts and 52 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


KEK, it's kino! Up!


if they're going to steal our culture why don't they steal the parts of it that are actually good


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built for big bulldog knot

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make a soyjak for the album you guys are listening to now
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back off theyr emine


nuh uh im the bigger lemon demon fan bitch






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>yasuo is broken despite the fact that his windwall would be very convenient for dabbing on guntard magacels

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>you must respect women if you want to get laid incel, it worked for me

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ok, which one of you is this

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>I realize why we like anime YouTubers so much, because it is the closest thing we will get to anime girls being real.


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>anime girru good because anime boys are even less attractive and desirable than asian men so if they were real my tiny asian pecker would get sex

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I love all of you guys,it was a fun time being here
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That's the Schlog


you sound like one of those bitter oldfags that complains about everything
bullying underage namefags is shemmy culture anyway


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another foid gone


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goodbye kiwi


this isn't an airport

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>this site


No, this is what the site used to be like when it was active. Now it’s just dead.


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>No, this is what the site used to be like when it was active. Now it’s just dead.




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…said no-one ever.

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Oldfag here, why is the site different?


dead bbc


they sold the website to a discord pedo lol


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No wonder this shit site is so dead lol, I'll just keep posting on the sharty then


meds we never sold the site to you


id never buy this lame ass dead nigger website 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

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