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/soy/ - Soyjaks

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File: 1732176592352.png (1.97 MB, 1024x1024, 1731172758917.png)


I think trans people shouldn't be allowed in Europe because they didnt have sex with me.


File: 1732176692553.jpg (77.27 KB, 1024x1536, avocado slices on toast.jpg)

yikes just yikes


File: 1732176995287.png (776.52 KB, 713x713, 1732176973916.png)

I think trans people shouldn't be allowed in Europe because they're complete degenerates and a danger to our peaceful society.


i think it will have a bit longer in a while but it is not the same thing as a good one from me to the other side of a house for sale in a bit of the year but it is not a lot of people in their lives and they don't want niggerson to get into it


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