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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1717842212142-0.png (10.94 KB, 191x255, soyjak 20 (neutral face).png)

File: 1717842212143-1.jpeg (3.64 MB, 3840x2160, IMG-20240608-WA0000.jpeg)


here's some chalk art that I drew recently
(I added the domain and a few more 'jaks after)


bro wants the kindergartener audience


File: 1717845769844.png (235.02 KB, 542x600, ClipboardImage.png)


File: 1717851329453.jpg (7.16 KB, 225x225, 9173024.jpg)

>I dont look like a bot.

File: 1717760522742.gif (988.82 KB, 700x800, 1717711221238x-1.gif)


revive this board now
5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


im not coping the decision is retarded


File: 1717770285964.jpg (13.82 KB, 368x358, 1717260145638.jpg)

>mental illness the post
>well okay i agree with the post but still


im 663 retard



pack it up, its over

File: 1716816470974.png (1.52 MB, 1099x1383, ClipboardImage.png)


starting to do trad art since my tablet pen is broken and i cant do anything about it until my new pen arrives in the mail, ill try posting more drawings im making on my sketchbook ITT
15 posts and 13 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.




holy gem!


File: 1716963930619.jpg (77.73 KB, 627x960, FA-MVpUUUAEe31c.jpg)

draw this or something


File: 1717600170496.png (331.35 KB, 935x690, ClipboardImage.png)

i got my tablet pen so digital art can be done


this drawing

File: 1716640642852-0.png (72.78 KB, 1140x1691, 1713267480673-0.png)

File: 1716640642852-1.png (202.62 KB, 720x966, 1716638975674.png)

File: 1716640642852-2.png (236.73 KB, 527x1296, 1713267480673-1.png)


Someone draw these couple just like feral teen
5 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1716675359673.png (38.96 KB, 855x762, ClipboardImage.png)

>Someone do this.
>>498 (You)


Someone draw these gemmy couple on magma


File: 1716801476892.png (25.35 KB, 380x453, 1716675118621.png)

Also add dragonjak





File: 1714156629781.png (22.67 KB, 745x809, ClipboardImage.png)


11 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


File: 1715981768994.png (14.42 KB, 429x417, ClipboardImage.png)


very nice


holy cute


File: 1717009245486.png (50 KB, 1150x1315, pic.png)


File: 1717366959601-0.jpg (449.16 KB, 1024x762, apu_math2.jpg)

File: 1717366959601-1.jpg (366.63 KB, 1024x762, apu_math.jpg)

did a 2 year old request that i thought was pretty funny, sadly i don't have a good font for math formulas

File: 1714040103785.png (383.68 KB, 1378x1378, 1713757852221.png)






he's such a seethey fucking pissbaby god damn


>>>>>>queer kids stuff.jpg (86 KB, 585x1024) 86 KB
>>>>>>>Anonymous 06/02/24(Sun)08:00:44 No.11545399 [Reply]▶>>11545408 >>11545418 >this is what liberals call progress
>>>>>>>Anonymous 06/02/24(Sun)08:10:30
>>>>>>>>>11545399 (OP) (OP) (OP) (OP) (OP)
>>>>>>>Whoa, really? Maybe liberals are alright…


>>>>>>>>queer kids stuff.jpg (86 KB, 585x1024) 86 KB
>>>>>>>>>Anonymous 06/02/24(Sun)08:00:44 No.11545399 [Reply]▶>>11545408 >>11545418 >>this is what liberals call progress
>>>>>>>>>Anonymous 06/02/24(Sun)08:10:30
>>>>>>>>>>>11545399 (OP) (OP) (OP) (OP) (OP) (OP) (OP)
>>>>>>>>>Whoa, really? Maybe liberals are alright…


>>>>>>>>>queer kids stuff.jpg (86 KB, 585x1024) 86 KB
>>>>>>>>>>Anonymous 06/02/24(Sun)08:00:44 No.11545399 [Reply]▶>>11545408 >>11545418 >>this is what liberals call progress
>>>>>>>>>>Anonymous 06/02/24(Sun)08:10:30
>>>>>>>>>>>>11545399 (OP) (OP) (OP) (OP) (OP) (OP) (OP) (OP)
>>>>>>>>>>Whoa, really? Maybe liberals are alright…

File: 1717080257185.jpg (20.65 KB, 256x224, braun.jpg)


>not one maho artwork
double you tea eff?

File: 1717004243386-0.png (47.26 KB, 564x699, 1696963749913.png)

File: 1717004243386-1.png (141.3 KB, 795x799, 1699177220969.png)

File: 1717004243386-2.jpeg (8.51 KB, 255x165, 1699944586772.jpeg)


did 'jaks teach you a lot about drawing faces? i feel like most of what i know is what rubbed off on my from making gems


File: 1717004766497.png (1.52 KB, 259x288, 1713122359952k.png)

lowkey yes
i'm still very bad at drawing heads thoughie

File: 1714075670324-0.png (46.97 KB, 600x800, Hat_Markiplier.png)

File: 1714075670324-1.png (77.47 KB, 641x632, HatboardImage.png)


post a jak in this thread and I will draw a hat on him
7 posts and 11 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


that's jsut wonderulf


look daddy im a soyjak! uh uh uh uh


File: 1714107994505.png (12.37 KB, 259x288, BFA.png)


File: 1716982103121.png (169.52 KB, 564x823, average furry.png)


File: 1716990898676.png (208.14 KB, 1048x1584, ClipboardImage(21).png)

File: 1716768052703.png (374.33 KB, 1120x1091, 20240527_002714.png)


ferry feral
4 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


he's our favorite little jester


yeah which is why no other namefag is bullied like he is


File: 1716840056389.png (77.08 KB, 331x385, feraltos.png)



File: 1716840545584.png (65.85 KB, 331x385, ferlaltne_DOCTOSSSSKSP_K-1.png)



bullying me le good even doe its bad

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