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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1729886051445.png (6.03 KB, 437x477, mamepaint.png)


ms paint mame





File: 1729523014313.png (13.08 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


The glowies slong

File: 1729142419325.jpg (2.39 KB, 215x255, 1727479373841.jpg)


do you consider yourself an "artist"

i don't like calling myself that because I have no published work or formal training so I default to "cartoonist"


File: 1729144008138.jpg (15.62 KB, 236x224, aaagh.jpg)

Not really, mostly because I don't really push myself to draw a lot and can't be bothered to put in the work and time to get better at it.
All things considered I just consider it a "hobby" to dabble into.


not sure, the term isn't set in stone and can be broad. i don't consider my stuff that artistic, there is a lot to learn. i mostly draw cartoons too

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i :transheart: when sai stores the recovered version of my work separately from the saved version of my work and I have a mini heart attack every time I open a project I've been working on after a restart and 2 panels I spent a week figuring out are missing and I have to open the recovery dialog to find them

File: 1728482143121.png (76.92 KB, 750x808, efl fnf gerontophile aryan….PNG)


>the tama drawing you made was bodypillow material


nobody looks like this

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>want to draw something
>open art program
>get a brief idea
>sketch it out
>"no this wouldn't work"
>erase it
>get another brief idea
>sketch it
>"this looks like shit"
>erase it
>repeat for 2 hours
>get nothing done
Should I just ack?


no i do it as well though its not art related


File: 1728174303935.gif (66.4 KB, 775x849, neutralcob blinking.gif)

even doe I can't get ideas I want to stick with almost ever
i was gonna go and look at my old request thread on here for ideas but it's gone so fuuuuuuuuck


can you draw soyjak being murdered by feraljak?

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>you WILL go through a billion million menus just to do something
>you WILL enjoy the shitty way you zoom in and out
>you WILL have to specify a bunch of shitty things just to create a brush
>you WILL have nonsense key binds and enjoy your cucked features
>you WILL keep using me


join us saiGODS

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File: 1723057921391.png (16.35 MB, 3000x4000, ClipboardImage.png)

aryanime fanart


this is cool


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thats tranime tranart though

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svvt quest
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my precious baby in the 2nd picture aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwe


File: 1727617732480.jpg (752.66 KB, 2048x2048, cruciform slopjak.jpg)

>my precious baby in the 2nd picture aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwe


i look exactly like this


tranny artstyle


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>tranny artstyle

File: 1727506915289.png (29.81 KB, 680x654, image-297.png)


putt-putt saves the white race


could it be…?
this is incredibly good

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