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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1714151707354-0.jpeg (6.83 KB, 192x189, 1712741225956i-2.jpeg)

File: 1714151707354-1.png (602.17 KB, 3840x2160, ClipboardImage.png)


>derailed good project cause need muh dramaslop
Anyway. should i continue this here or nah?
I'm on day 15 right now but i wanna keep it a suprise i guess



how many days are you planning to make?



Depends on when i finish it, the day i finish it will be the same day on that video


so until the present day? isn't that like a lot days to make
i'd probably make weekly/monthly updates unless there are important events that happened within the span of it


File: 1714152267008.png (158.27 KB, 860x656, ClipboardImage.png)

i know it'll take a long time, it's been mostly taking so long because i've been reworking so much. I might even do something rn and remove the flags as they're taking too much space and time. which sucks. Also extremely unfinished day 15, is this too much?


don't overcomplicate things and don't overburden yourself because you'll likely abandon the project
maybe try making 1 frame per important event? and if you need more you can always create it later


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File: 1714153635739-1.png (22.96 KB, 220x206, ClipboardImage.png)

Yea that's fair, although i really really want this to be high effort. I think this will make things better removing the flags like i just did now. Just need to replace them from the present frames right now.


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File: 1714155536889-1.gif (190.75 KB, 265x400, wholesome heart.gif)

gonna start adding the new stuff to every frame now


File: 1714174949032.gif (3.81 MB, 1920x1080, ababa.gif)

new update or something. I had alot of my time wrapped up in fixing things today doe


File: 1714176010439.png (125.76 KB, 400x526, no admin soy.png)

random 'jak portrait i lazily painted for the soypocalypse section kek


File: 1714409593672.png (529.7 KB, 750x900, Soyumvirate.png)

update or something




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File: 1714424054605-1.gif (114.28 KB, 498x553, 1710096080170.gif)

update, gonna probably update less often to make it less boring but progress is going great


add dark kuzists as insurgents or something, their activity isnt well documented so you can ask me.


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alright, when should i add them you think?


File: 1714507317354-0.png (100.84 KB, 799x332, dark kuzism 1.png)

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december third is the birth of the movement


File: 1714507748132-0.png (905.44 KB, 1620x949, Screenshot 2024-01-03 1206….png)

File: 1714507748132-1.png (12.3 KB, 1157x126, Screenshot 2024-01-03 1206….png)

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more activity on january 3rd with the frootcord leaks.


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very useful thanks


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File: 1714508308049-3.png (1.39 MB, 1624x1690, 1709343191181.png)

and some smaller activity in between. but then major activity on february 29th with the "return" of kolymanet.


File: 1714508491375.png (9.29 KB, 255x187, 1714150227060.png)

Thanks, i'm currently trying to look for more sources on other things aswell as I go into the froot era so i don't need to rely on the wiki. I'm debating on adding a "Anti-Frootist" Insurgency but I don't know yet.


putting all of them together isnt that fitting i thing, but maybe an anti-frootist coalition or an united front.


>frootcord is real
oh shit, got more screenshots?


i wish i had more but also froot admitted to having a 'cord server at one point.


I leaked those screenshots kek, they're from the fnac development discord, I don't care about exposing froot as a pedo or some shit though I just like making people angry


were you a developer there?


I still am


whats up with fnac? is it just steam cucking or froot being an incompetent fuck?


moreso steam cucked him because he was evading taxes




File: 1714665161297.png (41.81 KB, 600x800, plier disapproval.png)

Even doe i dont want another necrobumped thread on /soy/

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