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/art/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1714222591707.png (9.42 KB, 500x250, Oekaki.png)


calling all artfags and ocmakers
we need characters other than mame and sean
i guess there's cricknetsov too but any other ideas?


You can't force a new character, Sean was a counterpart to Nate and Jake, mameson came from a 'jak request thread, the cricket edits on the other hand barely caught on because they were forced by one guy and shoehorned into everything. It will have to come naturally


I know you can't force a character, but I was inviting people to post their ideas of things to satirize/anthropomorphize and maybe something might catch on or get adopted in already existing characters
>mameson came from a 'jak request thread
and this is an ideas request thread
not that much different


cricknetsov is a gem.


despite it being forced, i do like cricknetsov, he has some funny value to him. i see no point in forcing new characters just for the sake of having new characters tho, i think first and foremost, they must come from edits that aim to be funny/serve a purpose besides just being there
there's also jak the killer which i think is pretty funny sometimes


File: 1714224924763.png (1.68 MB, 1920x1080, take your meds.png)

Fair enough.


also to elaborate a bit more, the reason I'm asking is because I often get new ideas for oc, but it gets boring drawing the same characters over and over (as is constantly seeing nate/sean/jake)
so i would be curious to hear any new ideas if it's possible to find something fresh yet still relevant


maybe we should make a 'jak request thread on this board to make new edits? something might come out of it


even if nothing ends up coming out of it at least it could be fun

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