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 No.199053[View All]

>reveal the agugugooner's baby fetish 'p collection
>instant ban
what are (((they)) trying to hide? Makes one think.
138 posts and 60 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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time to OWN this liberal with facts and logic again!
>It's not me, and he's a lying brown pedophile.
I've seen nobody else post that character (not character as in Mymy, but agugu.) It's reasonable to suspect it's you who made it.
>He obviously browses the pedophile site and knows theres an agugu thread there.
I found it on the wiki while I was bored, went on too the first board that caught my eye, found it almost immediately.
>Spaces in the url to evade filter.
Is it not typical for all links to splinters to be instant bans? I didn't want to be banned.
>And is concern trolling to get away with it.
Dearly sorry for defending myself and calling out the one person who posts that character for probably being the one to make it, guess i'm a concern troll lul
>He said he found the site on the soyjak wiki which is just a lie.
It's there.
>especially since the wiki says in clear text it's a pedophile site
They say that about nearly every splinter. Sorry!
>And someone has posted the same agugu porn here cropped in the past and they were a chinny poster
Just because two people found the very easy to find erotic art of your baby fetish character doesn't make them the same.
>Hes obviously a pedophile
Why do you keep saying 'B-BUT HE'S A PEDOPHILE' and spamming the same points over and over? Don't you have anything new?


how can you know that guy was a real chinny poster? there's no way to truly know that unless you're a chinnycuck yourself and you recognise every chinnycuck


im not OP and you're literally projecting kek, OP didn't even post the images and just look at how you're reacting, you definitely posted the agugu porn on the jartycuck splinter


Sorry people agree with me and not the very suspicious person who is constantly screaming
>it was in a chinny thread and he posted the same shit
Nigger, I haven't been on the soysphere in months prior to 3 days ago. I don't know your new discord servers.


why do you go through all this effort just to lie, it's not funny and you're obviously a pedophile. you're just hoping the shemmy staff are so retarded they fall for it because you wrote 500 words. you browse a pedophile site and you posted lolicon here to troll me


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Why do you go through all this effort when you can confess to doing it?
>you posted lolicon here to TROLL ME!!!
I don't even know who you are beyond posting annoying ongezellig shit sometimes. Stop pretending everyone knows and cares about you.


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Ok look, I'll unban you since your intentions are clearly in the right place and the context makes sense, people make mistakes and you'll hopefully learn that. But we will make sure you're banned if you end up doing some shit like this again.
Mymyfag isn't a pedophile as far as i'm concerned however. I feel like you're either misunderstanding or lacking context. The agugu toddlercon shit is just a coincidence as it has been spammed on this site and others before by random people, which I highly doubt he has any connections with.


holy damage control
if that was true, then why are you reacting like this? if that wasn't you, then you'd move on with your life instead of acting suspiciously defensive about the accusations for 3 hours straight, almost as if you're on damage control


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it is very odd how defensive they are
this has been going on for a good while, I've tried to let the thread die
but they come back
odd how that is


quality pepe.


I can't believe you're so retarded that you fell for obvious trolling and are unbanning a pedophile. He's probably laughing in his discord as we speak. So retarded


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I still believe mymyfag is strange, but thank you.
I won't make the mistake of linking too it again, if I ever find anything I sincerely believe to be pedo/zooshit posted by a member of this site I'll make sure too email it instead ofposting it for everyone to see.
God bless.


he's suspiciously defensive about it and he also accuses everybody of being a pedophile chinnycuck (and he posted on the chinny himself), it wouldn't be surprising at all if he turned out to be a projecting pedo who draws agugu porn all along


i don't understand this thread and i could care less about it but i do find it strange how much he projects



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don't go getting yourself banned for me fren



frogCHAD: 1
agugooner: 0


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not to get myself banned again but…


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Can't he just be banned again if it occurs again? Just let it go, he's probably just some retard who wasn't thinking when he posted the link.
I don't think you'd like being accused of being a pedo from very flimsy evidence let it go aswell


well he didnt post it to be a pedophile, he clearly posted it to expose somebody else.


You fell for the most basic social engineering from a retarded brown pedophile, do you really think he believes I'm an agugu porn artist? He browsed a pedo site and knew theres agugu porn there and wanted to falseflag me. Do you really think he just randomly found 2 agugu porn threads on a splinter at the same time he was falseflagging me in a thread over an hour, like he had 2 screens 1 scrolling a pedophile splinter the other posting in a thread with me. You are just giving an ego trip to a brown pedophile by unbanning him because him and his discord buddies were able to trick you


he's weird, he's suspicious
he posts agugu shit and he accuses everybody of being a pedo, he could accuse us of being so many things but he specifically accuses us of being pedos who post on the chinny or whatever, isn't that weird? it's almost as if he's projecting, and the fact he posts agugu shit himself convinces me that he's projecting. and i won't even mention his insane response to the new accusations, as a matter of fact if that really wasnt him this thread wouldn't still be active after almost 3 hours and it wouldn't have over 200 replies, the way he reacted is really similar to something called damage control and it's almost as if he's trying really bad to convince us that wasn't him but he ended up bringing more attention to the fact that was him.


how did he know it was a pedo site? he didnt.


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If this slapfight is starting again, I'll get some popcorn. Salted of course


He said he found it from the wiki and the site is only known for being a pedophile site, if you go to the site the first thing you will see is ironic pedophilia. Even the wiki says "do not go to this site its a pedophile site" https://wiki.soyjak.st/Jaksoy.party use your brain. He obviously doesn't think im the only agugu poster and that I make agugu porn


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It is a bit of a stretch to assume that but I still do think it's odd how defensive and angry they seem.
The posts alone, upon reflection, aren't exactly perfect 'proof'. But with how defensive he is, I do somewhat SUSPECT IT
anyhow stop this slapfight
have it for another day


it's an imageboard seriousfags get a life and shitpost


I'm angry because I don't like pedophiles and you tried to falseflag me with lolicon, and you get away with it because the staff here are handicapped


>just let him post lolicon get a life


I wouldn't act suspiciously defensive if somebody accused me of being a pedo, I would have evidence to prove that wasn't me then move on instead of arguing for hours with the guy who accused me of being that.
All the agugugooner did was accuse OP and the mods of being pedophiles and act weirdly defensive about the whole agugu porn thing.


I don't think he had pedo intentions however


can't you watch something or do anything else
the slapfight got a bit boring if I may say, and you say the exact same things over and over again oddly defensively.
If you want to convince us you're not a pedophile - THEN STOP POSTING THIS NONSENSE AND GET A GRIP


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Why would he go on a pedophile site in the first place and know theres agugu porn threads there, he's just lying when he said he went to the wiki and randomly saw a splinter. If you go to the wiki article page the first thing you see is a screenshot from the owner saying


That's not a good argument because the soyjak wiki accuses everybody of being a pedo


plus morbid curiosity is a thing


>52 minutes ago
I looked at it nearly 2 hours ago.


retard alert, nevermind


>plus morbid curiosity is a thing
>"lets go on the child porn site, oh theres mymy porn lets use it to falseflag the mymy poster"
Shemmy staff are really this disabled


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>first thing you see
You have to scroll down to see it. I wasn't in the mood to read some soyteen saying 'yeah this splinter.. uhm.. it's evil satanic.. and uhm.. mexicans.. and uhm.. pedophiles..' I just wanted to look at the latest splinter.


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It was pornography of the weird baby mymy that I only really see you post. Was it smart to immediately assume it was you, no. But considering how defensive and angry you are, I don't think it's exactly 'absurd'.
Now stop this slapfight, watch something, do something


morbid curiosity is a very human thing, and you wouldn't be acting that way if it was just a falseflag, the way you're reacting is doing the opposite effect of what you wanted and now everybody thinks you post agugu porn not only because you accuse everybody of being a pedo despite posting agugu shit (literal baby fetish pedo shit) but also because you're oddly defensive.


I thank you for the defense but please understand I had no assumptions of it being an actual pedophile site.
Again, as I said many times, I thought the 'IT'S A LE PEDO SITE' warning was just shartycluckers being shartycluckers.


that's also understandable because shartycucks misuse "pedo" a lot


It's wrong to get mad that a pedophile is allowed to just be a pedophile in public, and share lolicon as a falseflagging joke and then socially engineer you because he thinks its funny and will annoy me. I admit that I hate these people but I don't know why you cant see something so obvious


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>m-muh social engineering!
I defended myself, that is all I did. I don't know who you are beyond the name 'mymyspammer'. I'll say it again, for your own good, I'd recommend you just stop talking about it.
The more you talk after the thread is dead desperately saying 'ITS NOT ME!' the more people will think it's you. I don't entirely believe it IS you upon reflection, but how you act is making me consider it again.


you are so lucky the staff here are genuinely disabled and fall for the most obvious concern trolling, you get free laughs in your brown discord


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this is my last response
continue if you may but i'm leaving to talk with those less obsessed


you're not just mad you're also oddly defensive about it and that's making you look like you're a pedo on damage control, i dont know why you can't see something so obvious
just read your own posts, he has valid arguments and you can't even debunk them, you're just accusing him of being a brown pedophile and it's not looking good for you, you're making yourself look like a projecting pedo on damage control because OP exposed you


same, he's too ESL and retarded to listen to us anyway, now he will forever be known as the pedo who goons to agugu porn. Sad!

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