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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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how do people even post on these altchans anymore, imageboards feel like garbage when it's literally just 4 people ever posting on your shithole
imagine these people seeing anything more than 10 pph


It was only fun when we raided it
besides that it just seems to be retarded drug addicts


blud's advertising his imageboard on the shemmy :skull:


maybe we should go back again


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>a nusoibugger this new


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I just remember it and decided to look, i just don't get how anyone posts on these shitholes anymore it's fucking dead beyond belief, are imageboards just dead besides zoomer shitposting sites like ours?



>are imageboards just dead besides zoomer shitposting sites like ours?
blud hasn't heard of 4chan :skull:

I don't think they're deader than they were 10 years ago they were just never really that popular. In 2014 it was 4chan and a couple other smaller imageboards and in 2024 it's 4chan and a couple other smaller imageboards and as far as I know it's been this way since like 2008


imageboards are dead compared to back when there were gorilions of altchans with a decent number of posters, now every imageboard is dead except for shitposting sites for zoomers like ours


>blud hasn't heard of 4chan :skull:
NIGGA 4chan will always be relevant i meant shit besides it.
I feel like almost every altchan now are just 2-4 pph shitholes that are posted on by a couple of namefags and lolicons


we zoomers won lol
it's insane how fast a site like ours has grown


4cuck is full of zoomers tho, it's one of the only imageboards still alive because half of the userbase comes from reddit or xitter, all the other ones died



what altchans existed that used to get a decent number of posters besides 8chan? 420chan?? 711chan? I've heard of older altchans but I wasn't around for them and I always assumed they were just like new imageboards, mostly inactive.


probably because most people were too pedophilic to post on the jarty so soicucks who were tired of froot migrated to here


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>tfw we're probably one of the most active imageboards when 4cuck isn't accounted for


fuck i mean pedophobic


there were like a dozen of them, and they were way more active than now, i guess most posters just grew out of it or went to jail cause many oldfags are pedos


we might be in top 10 most active imageboards if we dont count 4tran



probably not if you count non-English imageboards but for English imageboards we might even be top 5.


i dont think most non-English imageboards are that popular


maybe 10 years ago but other than some asian imageboards most non-English imageboards are dead because ESL cucks would rather post on English imageboards


altchans lost lol, only 4chads remain relevant


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there's at least 4 japanese imageboards that are more active than the shemmy. It's possible the shemmy is in the top 10 most active imageboards globally I really don't know but since I've never heard of these smaller japanese iamgeboards I'm assuming that there's lots of other imageboards in foreign languages I haven't heard of.


imageboardcacas… can we ever recover???


as i said, other than some asian (mostly japanese) imageboards, non-english imageboards are kinda dead


imageboards more active than us


the sharty isn't that active anymore


face reality


the way you put it makes it seem like they're as active as 4cuck, they may have the ppd but they aren't really active


they're more active than 4cuck and if you don't agree you're delusion and in denial


shartycucks probably say this inironically


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