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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Hi /qa/. Sorry for the hold up. Site was getting DDoSed and I didn't have internet because I'm moving out. It'll take a while though so I won't appear on the site a lot.


also dont reset your router


I hope you are happy with your new house poly


I'm not. The apartment is pretty shit and worse than the old one, but at least I have my own room now. There's a LOT of flaws in it that we had to report and there's still moar that gotta be reported. Sigh, buildings were better back in the day.


I'm really sorry that you have to live like this tbh, and I hope you can find workarounds


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>barely had any sleep because of the hard floor and abysmal cold
>legs and feet hurt from standing all day
>haven't ate shit since yesterday
What a horrible Saturday, and I had to deal with that DDoS after all that, no way.


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i hope things get better for you soon


It's alright. You take what you can get. It's only temporary (a year) but that's still a long time. All I wanna do is just eat and go to bed but I can't even do that for now.


I hope so too.

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