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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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what killed the fad?


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>i only eat fast food


>what killed [x]
It's the jews, it's always the jews


ninny is jewish however, they have discord pedos as jannies


That's aryan shemmycuck


Here, Ukraine is white and I like shoving BBC dildos up my ass!


not to be that guy but streety is probably the grooming victim rather than the pedo
the guy who posted the MAP cobson in the screenshot wasn't even xim and xhe didn't seem too supportive of that nigga


still not a good look


still used discord albeit
nobody who has a discord that is publicly well-known should be admin


still xhe shouldn't be a staff member on any site because xhe's a foid lol


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Redpill me on the ninny. I was away for most of the time it was being used as a bunker.


tsmt thank god we have [ROBOT MAN OF UNSPECIFIED NAME] as admin


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>coswork is incharge
>two discord users as janitors
that's all I saw


shithole that died after quote botted it, wasn't fun after. Then they hired discord namefags and then rulecucked it


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