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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1735930497876.mp4 (6.56 MB, 1920x1080, 1730351617036-1.mp4)


does anyone have the assets for this? im making a soysphere hoi4 mod

i remember a thread about this on here but it got wiped


whats your mod like?


@vadim maybe you should post the assets already since you can't finish it bro


schlog fag btw


mods ban OP for this


I just started making it but it will be based in 2023-2024, the main event will be a kolyma civil war like russia in TNO, with paths for kuz, max etc, and paths for the above and shemmy, sharty, booru and blog


File: 1735930849402.png (54.4 KB, 723x861, polack1.png)

>@vadim maybe you should post the assets already since you can't finish it bro


i might be interesting in contributing though i am very tired at this moment.


File: 1735931038272-0.png (28.1 KB, 175x182, 1709839349622.png)

File: 1735931038272-1.png (13.22 KB, 114x107, 1709932662457.png)

I got these two if it'd help


post 'em if you can't finish the full video bruh it's over


thank you, I'll make a thread here if i need help
do this


i dont remember posting the first one.


Don't be concerned. You probably just forgot.


will you post the assets @vadim

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