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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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We used the shemmy under svvt, a retard
We used the shemmy under doll, a pedophile
We used the shemmy under lee, a pedophile
We used the shemmy under yeji, a pedophile
We used the shemmy under leno, a pedophile
We used the shemmy under vadim and dodder, our pedophiles

Nothing you do will attract shemmychads to your site


svvt was Aryan and not retarded though


>gets demoralized just a few months into his own site and decides to quit and fuck it up by giving it to doll
yep what an aryan saving the shemmy


that's aryan shemmycuck


>vadim and dodder, our pedophiles


vadim got exposed on kiwifarms and dodder projected his pedophilia onto quote that one time


these have never happened




where's the proof?


it was posted on the sharty kiwifarms thread (vadim( and dodder is well known for being a projecting pedo like when he made that irc screenshot against quote


Kek, it's kino!


repeated digits i kneel and suck your bwc shartyCHAD


File: 1736017524292.jpeg (111.17 KB, 1125x1103, 1736017509402.jpeg)

svvt knew how to code.

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