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File: 1736015428053.png (350.78 KB, 1000x800, 1705871889837.png)




kek, its kino


its bizinqued


File: 1736015604059.jpg (129.72 KB, 389x565, 1715991667590.jpg)

rumor has it that the ceo of (((shareblue media))) jumped of a building right after this one came out


this confirms my suspicion that (((they))) are not sending (((their))) best




i dont think jewish people ever appeared in undertale or deltarune also poplour things are brought up by computers so i sometimes think its a slow burn conditoning for any agenda.


File: 1736020232527.gif (365.09 KB, 2000x1153, 1714226957007.gif)

>i dont think jewish people ever appeared in undertale or deltarune also poplour things are brought up by computers so i sometimes think its a slow burn conditoning for any agenda.

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