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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1736047573253.png (245.9 KB, 641x530, hohoho.png)


Just shut it down already.


File: 1736047611842.png (226.76 KB, 780x704, 1707387689058.png)


File: 1736047705677.png (38.6 KB, 255x215, 1733334290831.png)

I don't work for froot, none of this would have happened if it weren't for your incompetency, Maybe you'll realize your own shortcomings if you're open to suggestion for one.
I for one noticed a lot of patterns in behavior that would not make me stick around.


nobody cares faggot




File: 1736055916614.png (1.01 MB, 939x968, ClipboardImage.png)

Did I strike a nerve for the shoallypedo?
Maybe that's why this site will always stay stagnant.
They don't like me there either, I suggest you stop trying to come up with boogeymen to point to.


i thought that was the swinnycuck rizz i have one braincell and its fried this is why I SHOULD THINK before posting



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