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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1736081937375.png (7.37 KB, 194x259, download.png)


how much would whoever runs this shit hole be willing to sell it for? I am willing to pay 10 whole bucks for it


this shit site isnt even worth a dime unless you spam bmt gemmies on it or turn it into a discord


File: 1736082358191.gif (375.84 KB, 740x859, funny thinking white man.gif)

i could buy a whole kebab with that money.


File: 1736082414052.png (33.85 KB, 1000x1025, 79d84c721cafbee26265ab4123….png)

If you're not a 12 year old discord kitten the shemailies will never let you in kek




No offers? alright I'm raising the offer to 10 and a half bucks


this guy is onto something


The site costs 1000 euros Lil bro


the fuck is that? is that equivalent to 10 dollars?


No,That is the equivalent of $1,031.35 dollars


Now I know your lying, there's no way some shitskin third world currency is worth that much


EuroBVLLS won btw


File: 1736088975240.gif (1.86 MB, 320x431, f0c55468d680d49082e0c30601….gif)

I will buy for 50 serbian dinars


200 rubles and we're set

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