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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1736259678184.png (535.14 KB, 2000x3300, ClipboardImage.png)


i had a dream last night about poly it was kinda incohesive but also pretty detailed
i remember waking her up in a field by touching her cheek and she got up and we went to some hotel, something happened and we rolled on the ground and she ended up laying on top of me. i remember looking her into her eyes and feeling her breath against mine, this was very vivid or something. then we went to our hotel room and i remember her asking me to go get some stuff and unfortunately i don't remember much after that


didnt read but serbia will never be white


kawaii this is a sign OP


a sign of what?


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you need therapy




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get a new joke retard


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I once found the Twitter of the person who drew that, AMA


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cant wait till yotsubafag sees this one


@poly GTFIH


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Please tell me you just made that up…


no it's real




A few months ago i had a dream where i was back in high school and there was an exhibit about kuz’s history lmao. Don’t remember any other detail though


File: 1736350275107.webm (1.36 MB, 352x640, nigger flinger.webm)

did they also exhibit his pedophilic posts on dead nigger altchans?

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