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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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This catalog is missing a Tomo Tuesday thread. How is this winter treating you /qa/?


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What a comfy board. Even comfier than /bant/ today.


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i watched those simulation videos and thought oh these kinda remind me of the patterns i see when i close my eyes and squeeze them with my arm so i decided to go pattern-watching a few days ago and started seeing shifting faces or maybe it was pareidolia of eye liquid. it hit me i may have caused self-imposed horror because now i put the idea of noticing spooky faces in my mind when i close my eyes before sleep forever but i fixed it by declaring that i embrace the faces with love so it was a filter o algo


I think this winter is treating me well. How about you?


Not a fan of the extreme cold


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I'm glad I got confirmation or an explanation of whatever the hell these patterns are. I don't wanna get deep into it but I've done my fair share of just focusing unto these patterns when I close my eyes thinking it could get me to sleep. I think the best ones are the infinitely continuing one and I just imagine myself walking and walking through the never-ending vortex like I'm James Sunderland.
What >>203876 said, it keeps getting colder every year, not to mention I normally never go out in the early mornings in winter since middle school and man was it a fucking pain from the freezing cold.




i hope you are doing well


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Hello! I'm doing fine. How about you?


i'm horny as fuck i need you right now


You're sick in the head.

Your fortune: Average Luck


going to work now, i miss talking to you. thanks for asking though


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I just found diamonds


>still playing hard to get
its been 5 months, you don't have to keep acting like you hate me <3


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Hell yeah. Get that money up my guy. We can still talk if you want. I'm pretty chillaxed out now.
Not based!

Your fortune: Questionable Luck

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