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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Do you live near shitskins?


i live near young kids and they are annoying




I live in a mostly white town thank Fauci, Indians run the gas station near me but they're nice and one of them is a SISA, some of my classmates are non white too but it's so little I can count on my hand how many (if you don't count the chinks) but even the chinks are outnumbered by the pvre aryans, most of them are SISAs too and the males are docile and easily scared



nigga YES. the british should have nuked the entire desi area before this shitty immigrant ran country was formed


every single male in my classroom except me is light brown


can i be invited to your birthday party as a shitskin feralt33n or are you racist


are you a black bull or just brown


nigga what 💀


this is fake because i go to online school, learn your feral lore


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i dont read any of your blogposts


thats not an answer


im neither im like light brown/pale because i never go outside


bruh no gtfo


fake feral. you can go to my birthday party :)


only big black men allowed sorry ytboi


what the actual fuck is wrong with you chuddy


dont judge a book by its cover you dont know how she looks


Kek, it's kino!


Do my parents count


you count too, i bet you never go outside so the only people you see are your parents


I just hate them doe


hate who?


Yes, a lot. I live like 12 minutes away from the hood and they're all seeping into here.


not me but hryk


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>indian sisa


she's indian, that's enough for any sane person to stay away THOUGH


glowgem that made all shemailes reveal personal information


Bro is getting BLACKED in real life


that's aryan shemmycuck

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