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i hate you guys so much. i don't knwo why i post here but i can't stop. i want to stop. shoot me


percussive matience by smashing my head against the bathroom floor until i forget im a failed musician and get even worse brain injury <3
why the FUCK do i not have cancer and aids and shit. i deserve it more than any one else on this earth can we just give all the world's suffering to me pls thnks i am such a waste of oxygen i do nothing i think everything but i am nothing im just dust


we love you


thank you
i dont know how you guys can love me though its not like i have that much of a personality all i have going for me is that im nice and i know a ton of shit about vocal synths but aside from that theres like no good qualitys about me


i need to stop venting on the shemmy damn i look like a tard


tldr? nobody gonna read all that


me venting like a sperg dont bother to read
but its not much text lol illiterate

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