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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1736944410485.png (465.25 KB, 773x675, hemifacial spasm award.png)


doing my occasional check-in with the site… hello shemmycucks… you're not looking too hot! i might as well blogpost while im here because i'm bored, i'm on /qa/, and too lazy to get my diary out.
i made picrel while i was having der spasms. they're caused by two retarded foids that are mean to me. i VILL bring this up to my teacher because i can snitch on one of them for being le racist probably(despite the fact that i dont care about allat) but its effecting my ability to learn!!
i also slipped and fell on my fat retarded ass and injured my foot. it hurts to walk so i have to limp a little. i have to walk half of the time i'm at school but i've taken tylenol which is gemmy. and im going to the doctor's after school because i thought it would get better after a day/.
yeah. not looking too hot little buddies. quote, froot, doll, and i are having a foursome and laughing at all of you at the moment btw KEEEEEEK


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<- wife btw
also is shemmyfujo still active?


What are you yapping about


get the fuck out of my thread faggot you should be shot


User was banned for this post




shut the fuck up kill yourself i seriously think you should livestream your suicide because you're such a retarded esl faggot
hello little buddy. how are you on this fine wednesday? :D


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>may i request a prostate exam, doc?
>*gets fingered* OOOOHHHHHHnnmmmgh *cums everyewhere*
>sorry doc… heh…



why what. chicken butt. ahahahahahaha



why what. chicken butt. ahahahahahaha



:< what. :<icken butt. ahahahahahaha



kiwi has a janny account btw shut this shithole down


good to know you're still AALIVE!


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>kiwi has a janny account btw shut this shithole down


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Oh, that sucks to hear. I hope you feel better soon. I myself was diagnosed with scoliosis today (which I self diagnosed myself 2 years ago). I guess I'm just a bit mad nobody heard what I was saying all these years and even now the doctors doubted me and thought I was bluffing. Oh well, better late than never. I've had back issues for years but only ever got checked out now because my mom finally listened to what I have to say. I also probably have lumbar disc disease as the orthopedic said so I'll have to do an MRI for that soon.


i hope your treatments go well


>they REALLY let a possibly active 'cordkike esl mobiletoddler be a janny
much love kang :)
>poly-chan was crafted to lean sideways to be able to lovingly look at vadim better while he's giving xer backshots
but for realsies thank you and i hope (You) can get the treatment (You) need!

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