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File: 1736996947488.jpg (276.26 KB, 598x449, 1722021582610.jpg)

 No.208439[Last 50 Posts]


File: 1736997018214.png (400 B, 11x11, queen of spades rizz.png)


File: 1736997126989.png (141.52 KB, 599x616, ClipboardImage.png)

angry agugu (no pacifier)



File: 1736997999887.png (504 B, 16x11, 1722571531644.png)

adding boymoder rizz would be pro-white


File: 1736998226294-0.png (269 B, 16x11, oneshot rizz.png)

File: 1736998226294-1.png (196 B, 16x11, Tall Shadow Rizz.png)

File: 1736998226294-2.png (150 B, 16x11, Squirrelflight Rizz.png)

File: 1736998226294-3.png (249 B, 16x12, transwoman rizz.png)



File: 1737001131261.png (493 B, 12x12, ClipboardImage.png)

agugu rizz


File: 1737001203167.png (552.97 KB, 710x481, ClipboardImage.png)

>▶Chud Just now No.208457[>][<]
>File (hide): 1737001131261.png (493 B, 12x12, ClipboardImage.png)
>agugu rizz


File: 1737001277350.jpg (8.54 KB, 201x255, 1737001274606.jpg)

▶Chud Just now No.208457[>][<]

File (hide): 1737001131261.png (493 B, 12x12, ClipboardImage.png)

agugu rizz


File: 1737001414387.png (2.54 MB, 861x1390, ClipboardImage.png)

>▶Chud 2 minutes ago No.208460[>][<]
>File (hide): 1737001277350.jpg (8.54 KB, 201x255, 1737001274606.jpg)
>▶Chud Just now No.208457[>][<]
>File (hide): 1737001131261.png (493 B, 12x12, ClipboardImage.png)
>agugu rizz


File: 1737001452805.png (50.45 KB, 240x255, 1737001450105.png)

▶Chud 2 minutes ago No.208460[>][<]

File (hide): 1737001277350.jpg (8.54 KB, 201x255, 1737001274606.jpg)

▶Chud Just now No.208457[>][<]

File (hide): 1737001131261.png (493 B, 12x12, ClipboardImage.png)

agugu rizz



File: 1737001589489.png (2.79 MB, 1000x1500, ClipboardImage.png)

>▶Chud 2 minutes ago No.208460[>][<]
>File (hide): 1737001277350.jpg (8.54 KB, 201x255, 1737001274606.jpg)
>▶Chud Just now No.208457[>][<]
>File (hide): 1737001131261.png (493 B, 12x12, ClipboardImage.png)
>agugu rizz


are you poly



who is this again


Stop asking nigger


File: 1737001773058.png (835 B, 32x22, blacked rizz.png)


>rule 3
>no racism outside of /soy/


File: 1737001817525.png (2.77 MB, 867x1390, ClipboardImage.png)

>▶Chud agugu Just now No.208477[>][<]
>>rule 3
>>no racism outside of /soy/



wrong size


File: 1737001865154-0.png (835 B, 32x22, blacked rizz.png)

File: 1737001865154-1.png (835 B, 32x22, blacked rizz.png)

File: 1737001865154-2.png (835 B, 32x22, blacked rizz.png)

File: 1737001865154-3.png (835 B, 32x22, blacked rizz.png)

add it



kys agugupedo





File: 1737001986207.png (486.73 KB, 859x960, ClipboardImage.png)

>▶Chud Just now No.208483>>208485>>208487[>][<]
>File (hide): 1737001865154-0.png (835 B, 32x22, blacked rizz.png)
>File (hide): 1737001865154-1.png (835 B, 32x22, blacked rizz.png)
>File (hide): 1737001865154-2.png (835 B, 32x22, blacked rizz.png)
>File (hide): 1737001865154-3.png (835 B, 32x22, blacked rizz.png)
>add it




you're posting racebait porn references on a soyjak website but apparently IM a pedo?


File: 1737002094439.png (236 B, 16x11, Cinderheart Rizz.png)


File: 1737002096487.gif (10.01 MB, 600x600, gigaflygif.gif)

>posting racebait porn references on a soyjak website while calling agugutrannies pedophiles


File: 1737002107382.png (2.47 MB, 1300x1066, ClipboardImage.png)

>▶Chud agugu Just now No.208493[>][<]
>you're posting racebait porn references on a soyjak website but apparently IM a pedo?


my BVLL looks like this btw


i don't have a bull because im NOT A CUCK LIKE YOU.



oh and btw! i'm trans and goon my clitty to agugu every day TAKE THAT CHUD.







File: 1737002386114.gif (571.27 KB, 498x498, ClipboardImage(5).gif)


>>208505Why are all falseflagger pretending to be me adn tryng to get me banned for making gemmy posts abit Zelig on the boards




>>208513 Everybody speak's english as a second language on this website, We are all european's.


sorry they made me remove this


File: 1737002915532.png (493 B, 12x12, 1737002913245.png)

Who are's They


marge who's the dev now



File: 1737021225284-0.png (195 B, 16x11, Winter Rizz.png)

File: 1737021225284-1.png (231 B, 16x11, Bluestar Rizz.png)

File: 1737021225284-2.png (223 B, 16x11, Snowfur Rizz.png)

File: 1737021225284-3.png (222 B, 16x11, Fireheart rizz.png)


File: 1737021570670.png (42.67 KB, 248x255, 1737020560040.png)



File: 1737033178075.png (1.81 KB, 16x11, 1727896525402.png)

add this 4chan rizz i made


File: 1737037873632.png (286.33 KB, 1920x1080, hawleyjak.png)




File: 1737041894528.png (286.33 KB, 1920x1080, hawleyjak.png)

make this a rizz o algo


File: 1737042461084.png (610 B, 16x11, 1716193499460.png)

is this ok? i cant draw



ok i added it


File: 1737043670569.jpg (80.28 KB, 600x600, 1736642118366.jpg)

I wonder if they'll get rid of the tranny rizz because it's unwholesome bait, or if they'll keep it to support their FtM jannies?


Gemmy qa2triots.win get


File: 1737049942021-0.png (327 B, 16x16, IMG_7067.png)

File: 1737049942021-1.png (6.36 KB, 16x16, IMG_7068.png)

File: 1737049942021-2.png (419 B, 16x11, IMG_7069.png)


all rizz should be 16x11 pixels but ill add the ussr one


add blacked rizz you fat retard


im not fat though


Who is this new developer hi


ooooh… let me taste you, kitten… mmmmmm….


thank you for adding white pride rizz. youre the best dev


no problem




File: 1737051397079.png (653 B, 16x11, 1721989083261.png)

add stonetoss rizz


File: 1737052268379-0.png (567 B, 16x11, IMG_7070.png)

File: 1737052268379-1.png (134 B, 16x11, Untitled.PNG)

Add these



File: 1737052753679.png (454 B, 16x11, 1720749525476.png)

add rizz for the most pro-white currency



File: 1737053833152.png (151 B, 16x11, ClipboardImage.PNG)

this should work


File: 1737054180652-0.png (463 B, 16x11, rizz ts 3.png)

File: 1737054180652-1.png (487 B, 16x11, rizz ra.png)

File: 1737054180652-2.png (409 B, 16x11, rizz rd.png)

File: 1737054180652-3.png (407 B, 16x11, rizz fs.png)



File: 1737054209544-0.png (477 B, 16x11, rizz aj.png)

File: 1737054209544-1.png (468 B, 16x11, rizz pp 2.png)


File: 1737054299184.png (466 B, 16x11, rizz ts 3.png)

bettter twilight


can you name them for me idk


ts - twilight sparkle ra - rarity rd - rainbow dash fs - fluttershy aj - applejack pp - pinkie pie




File: 1737057048268.png (599 B, 16x11, Cricknetsov8.png)

Name is cricknetsov


File: 1737061852385-0.png (263 B, 16x11, 1706697541898.png)

File: 1737061852385-1.png (1.49 MB, 2000x2000, 1717093179557.png)

NEET rizz


More snca rizz will save this dying nigger baby of a website


honestly? this is kind of locked


File: 1737067143710.png (123.15 KB, 512x471, gloopa.png)

Why won't you add BLACKED


because im white


blackest gorilla nigger award


jewish lies


File: 1737068208734.png (608 B, 16x11, monero.png)

>bitcoin rizz but no monero rizz



weon need this much rizz bruh


Fr but maybe it's not a bad idea either


add a heckingemmy rizz or something


Yes add the Czech Republic's flag as rizz so we can falseflag you better


would be funny, do this
also add the Czech kraj flags so I can display olomoucký kraj o algx


lazy little fuck award


I had them somewhere saar
im gonna look


Lazycucks are aryan


No. Just no.


>No just no even doe my gender studies teacher told me all rich people are lazy and hitler said rich people are aryan


File: 1737069755696.gif (396.07 KB, 220x220, dancing-cat-swag.gif)

make the rizz limit higher


Do this it would be funny


get rid of the rizz limit completely there's no reason for that to be a thing




>having an entire page worth of rizz
this sounds kino


Do this
This website hatin on me cause I have too much rizz, my rizz so insane the website just shat itself o algx


i made the limit 300 now


File: 1737070563565.mp4 (37.45 KB, 320x320, wink-jewish.mp4)

Make it 500.



make it 1000


Do this geg


it shines



fnf won


File: 1737070703400.jpg (27.4 KB, 480x471, 1727131418775.jpg)

its now 1488



wheres murder drones rizz saar?


Gigachad dev


make it yourself


don't do this but add czech republic rizz so based gigachads can falseflag (((You)))


obsessed truchanner
add czech rizz so that everybody can be czech


File: 1737070824367.png (363 B, 16x11, 1737070857635.png)

add this rizz


this iss so validating… my ipad is lagging




stop doxxing me


Kek iFails




joe biden test


obsessed, best friends forever or something


Dementia rizz coal


>all the jannies are (((czech)))
no wonder this sites so antiwhite


bidenfails can't even get to the rizz limit


no, im not letting you falseflag as my best friend


Kek no wonder he lost


do you even know how to develop


aryan sentiment, but it would be pretty funny


Tf is this gay ass janny circlejerk shit, even your friend wants the czech rizz


add it nigga


Add it no balls


tripcodes exist for a reason.


File: 1737071164528.png (421.21 KB, 1280x855, afef.png)

Why is the rizz so validating?


ok i added it



geeeegggg it works


it just is


File: 1737071353725.png (1.02 KB, 16x11, ClipboardImage.png)

add this rizz as "olomoucký" please


>it took me 6 minutes to remove my rizz
>my ipad's still lagging because hiding the post doesn't hide the rizz
unfortunate trvthnvke backed up by science. fuuuuck


wait is the huge ammount of rizz making the site shit it self holy fuck kek


skill issue




>its added
holy aryan


no shit nigga. but once i get on a computer it's over for this shit site KEK


This website is so validating fr




rizz limit is now down to 25



obsessed limitstone






File: 1737072643461.png (220 B, 16x11, Vixen Rizz.png)




File: 1737082373988.png (571 B, 16x11, 1707806872615.png)

add kekistan


Do this




File: 1737083734904.png (189.01 KB, 917x871, 1720505814593.png)



File: 1737115731158.png (694 B, 16x11, holo.png)

add holoGOD rizz or something


no one gives a flying fuck about czech provinces, there’d have to be a sizable userbase of czechs to warrant this which there isnt


everybody gives a walking fuck about czech kraj's, there is a sizable userbase of czechs that warrants this


10 and 11: Prague
20: Central Bohemian Region
31: South Bohemian Region
32: Plzeň Region
41: Karlovy Vary Region
42: Ústí nad Labem Region
51: Liberec Region
52: Hradec Králové Region
53: Pardubice Region
63: Vysočina Region
64: South Moravian Region
71: Olomouc Region
72: Zlín Region
80: Moravian-Silesian Region


@developer never add these under any circumstances


geg, add these right now


also add a blacked.com rizz im such a slut for bbc and trans!


no one is going to use those


I know atleast 4 people that would use these doe


im online


Get to telegram rq


only if you buy me a gift from femboyfatale.com and a year long blacked.com membership




this is why slovakia is more aryan than (((czechia)))


>hashemmycucks are podophiles…


also im not a femboy, im trans and I already have a blacked.com membership




add blacked rizz


where are the kraj flags nigger



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