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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1737008184169.gif (97.18 KB, 255x255, fan of trans rights.gif)


>religion proves chuddies are real men
>you can't get laid as a transwoman unless you support trump
>black people are less likely to date transwomen
>homesexuality is normal, being a tranny isn't
>using discord in 2025 slowly transforms you into a 6'7 EFL with huge muscles and a jawline
>transwomen will never have functioning vaginas but chuds will be able to upgrade themselves into 9 foot tall charismatic and suave wolfboys
>chads find obesity attractive but not neovaginas
>the warriors animation will use AI


>using discord in 2025 slowly transforms you into a 6'7 EFL with huge muscles and a jawline

Fuck discord then

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