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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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this shithole died when you stupid niggers stopped being transparent, who's the current owner after vadim? who's the current dev after poly? are we safe with both of these people in power? someone said that if we ever get new admins we should delete /soy/ so ips can't be leaked from them and vadim said to not worry about it because he'll never step down. and guess what happened now, tell us who works for the site NOW


this is like leno era shit yet again, when mutt was admin he wasn't actually admin/owner, and i bet the same is happening now


>no response
am i surprised? Im never using this site again unless I have a vpn on


sooo u want a namefaggerino?


mutt and a new dev are in charge. I feel like you’re taking this shit too seriously. IPs are completely worthless to leak on a mass scale anyway, which i doubt would ever happen here. This site hasn’t had a issue with ips in forever and if you aren’t already using a proxy when you use these sites then you’re retarded.


no, i just want to know who the fuck runs this place now. what's stopping them from leaking ips, either them or whoever the new dev is. you can't be telling me 2 of these people wish to remain anonymous? this isn't 4cuck, even then we atleast know who the owner and dev of it is, yet we don't know who the owner and dev of the shemmy is, why?


>mutt is in charge
yeah because he was last time right? does he actually pay for the server? we saw this shit happen before yet he wasn't the actual owner, same shit is happening now. i kept seeing mutt making announcements every month or so saying he's either leaving or staying and appearing out of nowhere so if he's this demoralized why would he start paying for the server after 1 year of bullshit?


last time we had an IP leak was because the nudev stayed anonymous, and the reason it didnt happen anymore was because every owner after was well known. now how can we trust someone we dont even know with our IPs?




you know it’s probably just him wanting to keep things private. after everything, it feels like being open about these things has caused more trouble then it’s worth


maybe the new dev is being payed man i dont know. Again just keep using a proxy jesus christ
The shemmy isn’t that big of a target anymore for malicious faggots to try and take advantage of.


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>even the sharty has become more transparent than the shoally
what happened to trying to be the better version of it? why are you making your users want to go to somewhere else with this bullshit?


i am stil paying for the server.


transparency killed this site and always caused more shitty drama


what's so bad and controversial about the new owner that he needs to be kept private? this is a major concern for users now
>it feels like being open about these things has caused more trouble then it’s worth
since when? did any of the former owners get trouble because they showed their identity? dodder and vadim didn't seem to have any


doesn't seem like it, the faq used to show managers and devs and admins, now it's just mutt. why is that? what are they trying to hide?


why are you changing statements now? this wasn't said before, is there something wrong with the new owner that you have to switch up suddenly? who is he and what's so bad about him


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>transparency killed this site and always caused more shitty drama
it was less dead when you actually had transparency you lying kike


The shemmy is mostly a skeleton crew of a few old staff keeping it together. I’m not sure what else i can say. Some of them would just prefer to be anonymous and not namefag. Vadim and Doddermodd are still apart of the staff however.


there is not a new owner. i stepped down from the admin position due to me not really having time for the site anymore.


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who are these old staff? why are you trying to hide them? is sullen soos apart of it now? you don't seem to be getting botted or ddosed, yet the site is more dead than when it was. im thinking transparency is what made the shemmy alive, stop trying to make yourselves look worse and untrustworthy


this is something a glownigger would say, is this really the future of the site? you're just a honeypot now?


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the situation has always been messy and transparency on sites like these is a meme


schizo award


mymy is right


kys zartycuck


mare what was it


dumbass read nigga read



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>no response yet again
mindbroken the shoally jannie once again. this site has become a major fed honeypot that they don't even want to share who the owner is anymore. never before seen in shoally history, yet cattle will follow




wise choice to only post on vpns. the problem with VPNs is you have to cross your fingers and just hope nobody knows the same vpn and decides to unload his massive lolivore scatguro collection on the same ip.


>you don't seem to be getting botted or ddosed, yet the site is more dead than when it was. im thinking transparency is what made the shemmy alive


shoally admins are known for vigorously looking at IPs. that's why i always used all my time on here, otherwise they'd namedrop your location or even try and doxx you if you don't fit with their agenda


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they don't do this and your making shit up


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it has happened in many instances, it's just that no shoally user would be insane enough to use their home IP on here


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when did the jannies ever leak locations except kolymasqueaker


jannie is leaking once again


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Why are you even arguging with shoally pedos? Its best just to not post unless you see the ocassional zellig or soymy gem. Let this shithole die friend, they just farm engagements from fake drama


i wish we had zellig poster janitors


Obvious samefag but this site isnt beyond sdaving i just wish they stopped mods seeing post histories


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keeping up quote's dox was stupid af but who even are the other ones


you missed some drama fren. mutt, soos and the rest of his cabal appointed a new owner who wants to remain anonymous, not only that but only mutt out of all the jannies is willing to show his identity. all transparency on the shoally is gone




Apologies if this isn't the most in-depth response, but it's 3 in the morning so I can't write to my best ability.
Vadim pays for the servers but I take the burden of administrating the site and covering any other costs. I plan to have the developer be introduced in the near future.
Technically this is supposed to be a temporary arrangement which depending on how the rest of my adminship goes will either go from vadim taking over as admin again or this becoming a permanent thing. Furthermore I've given higher positions to only people I can trust which are all older staff members who are still left. Any staff members that possibly held any ill will towards the site have all but left or were kicked off already.
I can assure that the site is in good hands. But you're all free to take that as you will. We've been through worse circumstances.


Thanks but who is the developer and can you stop leaking cloaks like dickheads?


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that guy had a point about deleting all of /soy/


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why was scar randomly mentioned by someone else on here? ive never seen him mentioned since leno era so it's weird his name is being brought up now, what is his position on the shoally now? what did he mean by "work for scar"? we know you and that tranny chaser soos can't afford shit to host the servers


>tranny chaser soos
transphobic lies


>why was scar randomly mentioned by someone else on here?
I heard people were spamming his dox and pedo posts about a month ago but he's been gone for months


who is that?


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why did his doxx come back now all of a sudden and why did someone say a jannie is working for scar? did i miss something?


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Moronic Mutt doesnt know any better, anytime he's had the keys to the site he's made it objectively worse
Sullen soos lusts are trannie s4s paedos


>why did his doxx come back now all of a sudden
Do you remember the discord pedophile 'P spammer who doxed him? That guy came back


he doesn't hold the keys to the site, it's all a lie and a cover up to the feds that actually owns the site



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who? why did he come back now?


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To be honest Moronic Mutt is too stupid to cut a deal with any feds, they don't need an incompetent geek. At most he'd cut a deal with Quote begging like a dog for the ddosing to stop


Can you show me any incidents of this? I'll be sure to take swift action towards the staff member who has done any sort of action like this. I don't have alot of time to over look if any incidents like this have occurred so my apologies for this happening.
As for the developer, I'll have the developer introduce himself once he's awake.
We have thought about deleting it. Since we want the /qa/ merge to be permanent. Maybe once the dev finds a way for the post numbers to be merged then we'll have it done.
He's gone. Utterly obsessed niggers just using another way to get banned. They've done this many times randomly to try and mess with the site and staff.


you always leaked my cloak as a hecking joke and you know who i am


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u aint trump bro :skull:


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Its called being aryan


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Stop using nazi language. that's racist



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I am racist its my blood heritage. In fact I will say NIGGER


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Racism will never be a gem


im not quote or a banned user btw


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Sorry but I wont humilate myself by pretending to like niggers or trannies ironically as bait. I am aryan and handsome in real life and online


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I look like this in real life also


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Racism is cringe and outdated. I support black people just like white people and asian people. I also support trans people if they dotn groom kids or get surgeries.


Marge I'm pretty sure I've never done that. I'm not retarded enough to refer to anyone by their cloak publicly, maybe a long time ago some retarded staff member might've. But I have no tolerance towards anyone doing that these days. If you want, feel free to email me about the incident to clear it up since this is talking about cloaks.


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All the staff have stalked my cloak at least once and they dont even try to hide it because I make them seethe


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imagine the sharty if froot decided to remain anonymous ever since he became owner, it would be chaos right? this is the exact thing happening to the shoally once they abandoned transparency. either let us know what happens behind the scenes and who it is or stay a glowing honeypot that stays 0 pph because you don't want your users to trust you


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I cosign everything you say to the point where we are now one zellig poster, I am you and you are me


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>this thread


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Moronic Mutt stop hiding the truth from us, you keep avoiding questions


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Moronic Mutt will be TRIED and JAILED for his disgusting treacherous behaviour


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Schizophrenic thread. I myself don't know what goes on behind the scenes since I left. I don't think there's a need to worry though since Vadim isn't retarded to give the site's keys to someone who would leak IPs. I do wonder who the new developer is after me because I do have a few requests of stuff that they should fix, and also to change the developer capcode color because that's MY color. That's all.


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Keep it down tranny nobody is interested


I'm not a tranner and you're just a schizo.


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You listen to breakcore and post anime, and you egg on young confused men lusting after you online. You are a tranny lets be frank, HRT be damned


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It's not breakcore you uncultured dumbass. It's drum and bass. There's a difference.
>you egg on young confused men lusting after you online
The hell? I'm literally against the weirdos that do that to me but alright. Aren't most trannies proud of their identities? If I really was one, I think I'd make it clear as day.


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Real ones can read between the lines with your post and realize I was spitting fire here →>208716 ☕



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>no argument

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