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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1737041285974.png (181.5 KB, 525x680, giga79.png)


>Welcome to the nushemmy, brought to you by the 93467th iteration of the janny cabal comprising of the same haggard oldfag slobs who everyone pretends to like for some reason along with some fresh new faces who use janny permissions to namefag and get back at people who baited them. What joy it is to see these retards jump up and down on the bloated corpse to stop it from exploding knowing I don't have to care about it anymore. Fuck all that


File: 1737041496284.mp4 (6.86 MB, 768x720, 1736962314109a.mp4)


File: 1737041634578.png (255.93 KB, 363x403, 4pepeskekking.png)

>random attentionwhore namefag janny responds immediately


File: 1737041729029.mp4 (2.17 MB, 360x640, 6620c40e-db59-4a65-aa38-b8….mp4)


and the site is a dying nigger compared to a few months ago, ill practically take any interaction at this point, mr froogoogaga

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