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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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>jannies are underage pajeets that actively attentionwhore and namefag (and soon tripfag, because god forbid someone makes a funny falseflag)
>you get permabanned if you bait jannies
>images get spoilered for """""""""EPI"""""""""
>the new owner is a braindead nigger who spent 60 dollars so quote could bot 4chan with sharty ads and who demotes mods purely because he doesnt like them while hiring attentionwhores
>pph is as low as its ever been
>most of the actually good posters left and have been replaced with underage cordtroons
It was fun while it lasted. It's time to shut it down for good.



>>the new owner is a braindead nigger who spent 60 dollars so quote could bot 4chan with sharty ads
that's aryan shemmycuck

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