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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1737043568449.gif (349.89 KB, 500x500, 1733065551511t.gif)


Shut this shithole down already, even after buying qa2triots.win your site continues to be a dead nigger baby, just do it, shut it down for your own good. This is all a waste of money


calm the fuck down, you probably have roach on blue wall


ive had better gets lil blud


Literal who namefag


File: 1737044074417.mp4 (2.17 MB, 360x640, 6620c40e-db59-4a65-aa38-b8….mp4)


File: 1737044249510.png (30.41 KB, 231x255, 1727470579867.png)

No arrow, are shemmycucks really this retarded?


File: 1737057804670.png (82.32 KB, 600x800, niggerplier.png)

how can you shut down a site if it's already dead THOUGH


File: 1737064136893.png (106.52 KB, 581x800, IMG_7132.png)

>This is all a waste of money

Someone doesnt fweaking undustand economics…



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