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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1737044725534.png (441.4 KB, 763x763, food.png)


How long do you think it'll take before this shitty site shuts down for good? I'm thinking it won't last another 6 months


what a funny little frog character
what is his name


File: 1737046639053.png (197.79 KB, 775x1232, 59D28441-B614-4AE5-93C8-C1….png)

They’ll keep this shithole online for years and years despite the 5 PPD for no reason other than their pride.


so just like this website?


File: 1737047364182.png (26.77 KB, 193x423, ClipboardImage.png)

the server has a contabo IP and the performance is mediocre to say the least so my guess is they're on the cheapest contabo plan
if i'm right it's not very expensive for them to do that
this thread is about this website?


File: 1737047988213.png (280.03 KB, 587x581, 1701163455534.png)

dont know dont care, i no longer have any care for this sites gay ass drama.


princess sparkles buton->>>
wthsoe who know->>>>>>>


File: 1737052181931.gif (1.05 MB, 255x255, 1696705429873.gif)

>>>208845 (You)
>princess sparkles buton->>>
>wthsoe who know->>>>>>>


File: 1737052276593.png (516.88 KB, 864x537, 6ac1e8bf-e71f-40cf-8e26-47….png)

It probably won't last another 2 months


how do i giga react a post on here


Why did you sell the site to that retarded nigger

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