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 No.209016[View All]

I didn't browse the shitsphere for a few days, what's the latest news? Did Quote quit?
134 posts and 20 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


kys faggot


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if the admin here is real was the serb really a short weak depressed bbc poster and all the things people said


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I found out about the chinny a few days before the jarty acked and I never saw any pedo posts there until somebody shilled the website on the jarty and I thought stereotypes weren't always true but the website got flooded with suspicious soylita threads not so long after it


tranny thread


i made the megathread about people seething at non pedophilic soylita posts then like a day later the jartygang started spamming a million suggestive but technically allowed lita threads




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>▶Chud Just now No.209511

>tranny thread


Is kikemin still here and will we ever have chinny 2 or something like that or is it over


go back


go back to deviantart faggot gooner
and kill yourself while you're at it disgusting faggot disappointment


please no


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I remember it started before that megathread but it got worse after it


chinnycucks are more disapointing there was a thread about if chinny cucks have friends and like 5 people except kharkiv said no chinny cucks are losers


suggestive litas were banned i remember the spam being normal litas


go outside kenneth chinnycucks didn't make you a gooner you did that to yourself


i remember ones like the swimsuit and "dad i dont wanna go to school i wanna be with you for my whole life" or something stayed up in early chinny and made me not want to visit it


^falseflagging serb


i remember them getting deleted in like 2 mins tho




kys lviv


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Most of it was suggestive but technically allowed and sometimes he posted weird shit like when that colonycuck posted 'p and the soylita spammer posted a weird thread that was very clearly just his way of celebrating the 'p spam cause he's a pedo, it was something like "[sad soylita png image] stop posting cp, soylita too is afraid that one day her daddy will take off her clothes and force her to take inappropriate pictures" or something like that, it was one of the most vomit inducing things I've ever read in my whole life


kenneth please


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i didnt care about the soylita_fact.png spam or using it as a redditfrog but the actual pedo/romanceposts were grotesque


It was the soylitacuck whos probably red, nobody liked him and literally everybody asked kikemin to ban him
he was a cordnigger and his ex cordbuddies tried to force snca drama on the chinny


I dont even care about people using soylita as an avatar but those posts were just fucking creepy.
>i cant wait to spend my life with you
>she is so fucking cute in this revealing outfit drawing


For real, it lowkey made my skin crawl. I do not care about the soylita variant at all but now I understand why it's banned in so many soy sites, because people like him feel welcome when they see a single soylita on the catalog.


but why not just ban people like that?


where is chinnychadmin


Yeah but most of them are torcucks so they just ban evade, at least a soylita ban makes them go away because they think it's a "nusoicaca website" and to be honest, they are the only ones who still post soylitas regularly so banning the variant is the same thing as banning them.


>they are the only ones who still post soylitas regularly
because if you try and post it regularly without using a pedo site like the new jarty you get banned retard
of course the only people who still post it are desperate ban evaders


No, because nobody cares about soylita nowadays. It died sometime after the sharty banned it. You're the serb aren't you? You're the only one who cares about that variant besides the 3 jartycucks from that disgusting splinter.


>IP: croatia


Everything the current Shitsphere touches turns to shit instantly. I don’t think it has any future, there’s too many middle schoolers and third worlders. The reason I shut the Chinny down was that I had to be away for some business and I could not find one person that was competent enough to run it without it turning into either a dead nigger groomcord shithole or a dead nigger jannycord like the Swinny.




What a alive aryan baby of a thread


you're not one of us sorry


Understandable. Don't you think a website less associated with the soysphere would be good doe? You know, a lot of chinnycucks are kinda homeless right now and just waiting for somebody to create a new website cause every other website is either glowing too hard, too dead or too gay. I guess it's about time to let it go but that could work, maybe the groomcorders would try to shit it up like they did with the chinny but they will go away after a few bans, they don't even like imageboards after all.



I guess it still wouldn't work cause it's almost impossible to create a non-soysphere imageboard for something that wouldn't exist without the soysphere.


I think smallpenisgirls.win is a good example of what a new /pol/ splinter ran by a random soicaca would look like. Botspam in every thread, CP up for days and constant Discord gayops. All of the talented and experienced people left the Shitsphere already.


I never thought that me baiting would ever have this impact, but hey I guess I did something


The spinny was terrible, the admin did not give a fuck and it was basically piratefreak's safespace and most of the userbase were his cordbuddies that he met on xitter.








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