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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Oh, you want to look like this? You don't want to be a gross hairy soyman? Then head on over to https://hrt.coffee/ - HRT is to soy what carfentanil is to morphine. Don't become a balding beardlet, bypass it entirely and boymode for life :3

What you'll want:
an anti-androgen - cypro or bica will do, or spiro if you want to pee so much you'll have to diaper up hehe~
estradiol - choose your preferred method, injections are probably better but pills will make do
raloxifene - raloxifene stops you growing those icky boobies (sign of maturity, yuck) but if you want those for whatever reason, you can skip this

>is it safe?

Yes it is! All these stores sell genuine generics, and everything but breast growth (not a problem with ralox) is reversible (but why would you want to). These generics are generally made in India, but don't worry - even name brand pharmaceuticals are outsourced there. Some even in the same factory as the generics!
>is it cheap?

Indeed! These are generics made for poorer countries, so they're often even cheaper than subsidised prescriptions unless you live where it's free.
>my parents!

They won't notice a thing, you'll just start looking better :3
Make sure to keep the medication in a safe spot hidden away from them, and ship to a friend/post office if you think they're bigoted though!
>does this make me trans?

Not at all! As long as you identify as a boy, you're a boy, no matter what you take! You can keep posting troonjaks on the 'party completely guilt free, you'll just be cuter while doing it~

So head on over to https://hrt.coffee/ and get started ASAP, before testosterone ruins you forever!


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keyed jannies


changed "shotamode" to "boymode" in the 2022 copypasta award

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