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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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Did you know the first post on /pol/ was moot condemning racism and promising to delete the board if it turned into a hub for racism?


We didn’t deserve him. He was too good for us. He was right. If only that 4chon faggot hadn’t brought back /new/. I miss him every day. I’m so sorry Moot you were right


you sound pathetic


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jewish lies


You have emotions too faggot you just lie about them and act like they don’t exist I’m sigma and I’m okay with myself


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>We didn’t deserve him. He was too good for us. He was right. If only that 4chon faggot hadn’t brought back /new/. I miss him every day. I’m so sorry Moot you were right


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>>>We didn’t deserve him. He was too good for us. He was right. If only that 4chon faggot hadn’t brought back /new/. I miss him every day. I’m so sorry Moot you were right


Grow up. IYKYK.


terrible fail

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