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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1737134828559.png (126.4 KB, 300x400, IMG_3790.png)


Old gem


File: 1737134950937.png (340.38 KB, 735x501, 1737134946657.png)

Yet you were never there…


kill yourself
TSMT albeit reminiscing on old sharty gems i wasnt there fore is aryan only when i do it


File: 1737135514194.png (90.11 KB, 1200x1125, 1737116156953.png)

>Yet you were never there…


why does that matter


File: 1737136192700.png (Spoiler Image, 190.38 KB, 1250x795, 1735262644269.png)

janny are you fucking high? why the fuck was this spolered?? straight ohio


File: 1737136806212.png (60.61 KB, 331x634, 1734356841731l.png)

sorry about the first one, but you attached poly porn to your complaint so i have to actually spolier that


Glad I added unspoilering to the shemmy because that wasn't a feature on vichan for some reason.


whomsoever is this


File: 1737137278053.png (Spoiler Image, 177.93 KB, 940x992, 1735137488120.png)


File: 1737137536693.png (97.99 KB, 911x1327, 1735395439372.png)



Just a random tripfag. Keep walking.
I left so I see no point in posting these anymoar.


File: 1737137938197.png (94.12 KB, 940x992, 1736160903830.png)

it's shemmy culture though


File: 1737137943167.png (Spoiler Image, 32.37 KB, 208x255, 1734024167530i.png)


join the olomoucký hood "random tripfag"


go back


where? faggot


File: 1737138315828.mp4 (458.36 KB, 640x360, videoplayback (5) (1).mp4)


discord nigger


im such a s4bbc please post more i wanna goon!


File: 1737138422304.mp4 (1.31 MB, 720x960, 6775055-dd346f586460a0062a….mp4)


alright faggots, Im going back to blacked.com I hope yall happy


im from the sharty, retardnigger


>he admitted to being a discord nigger


didnt albeit


the only time I used discord is when I joined the certified sluts for black dicks only group chat



difference being?


on shardee we share blacked pornos and on discord we goon in vc


No, I don't think I will.


yes you will


File: 1737144812529.jpeg (5 KB, 284x177, The W.jpeg)

this is what gempass on the sharty does to a mfer

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