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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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i don't want to do anything anymore. why bother watching youtube when ill probably get a fucking seizure because some cunt doesnt put a flash warning. why bother playing sims its a waste of time. why bother trying to make music when i know it'll end up the same, nothing made and me even sadder. why bother making any covers when its not like anyone listens to them and i dont even like making vocaloid covers for myself much anymore because its not fucking fun anymore and i should make a song instead? why even bother postin this? no one will fucking listen to my snca blogging. why bother even opening the shemmy? it's not like it's funny anymore. all i have the motivation to do is listen to music and rot and stare at the ceiling and occassionally shitpost. what is the point of doing anything else but rotting? everything is superficial and there is no point to life. all i want is to be heard


read all of it


I yearn for black cock


File: 1737136129637.png (6.05 MB, 2000x1346, ClipboardImage.png)

black cock (rooster)


File: 1737136204541.png (60.61 KB, 331x634, 1734356841731l.png)


how the fuck do i stop feeling like this


start playing an instrument


that does sound better than making shitty trooncore vocaloids

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