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>my mobile data lets me bypass the 4chan rangeban
kek im out of this shithole goodbye shemmycucks


holy fuck theres so many porn dump threads


What board were you on?




OP posted 'p



delete this dead kike shithole already and merge with 4chan


cant handle 2 porn threads? just hide them, you cant expect it all to be good. if /bant/ gets really bad move to /int/ and if /int/ is bad move to /b/ and when you find out /b/ is always bad move to /pol/ or one of the hobby boards


this. when lolkike banned every tor exit node it marked the death of our high-trust society


thats not me i was on /y/


plus the porn threads on /bant/ are always super hot tranny porn idk why this faggot is complaining


File: 1737145424164.png (199.87 KB, 510x635, 1737145417478.png)

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