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File: 1737149064518.png (300.93 KB, 775x1479, 1706315752111.png)


this site is for pooners only, if you're not one us then leave.


File: 1737149100855.jpg (19.43 KB, 469x452, 1726764016021.jpg)


do i count if im pre trt


depends if you are going to take trt soon…


I'm a LGBT ally doe


Kys you fucking bigot trans women, gay men, and lesbian women are all allowed on this site. Excluding people based on sexually (unless cishet) is banned clearly in the rules


No one is a pooner here


there are no women or trannies on this site take your haloperidol retardo


Speak for yourself


trannies arent real its a psyop


Snopes debunked this years ago. Please stop spreading right wing conspiracy theories

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