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/qa/ - Question & Answer

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File: 1737184702175.png (170.61 KB, 525x650, 0001 - SoosBooru.png)


>its a good day to masturbate to cp and femboys im so glad im not being taken to an elaborate torture facility to have all of my skin removed with a grater and have most of my limbs crushed one by one and have my lips cut off as i scream in pain and agony and despair and cry for mercy trying to give up all my friends and family just to make the pain stop, oh wait whats that van over there


while it is theoretically possible that someone said this, i find it highly unlikely


Soos said this before he was tortured and killed


i look like that, but i never said that because im aryan and only jack off to furry porn. hold on i gotta go theres a van outside my house

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