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/qa/ - Question & Answer

Password (For file deletion.)

Tomorrow, January 22nd. Will be the anniversary of the shemmy!

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knife edition

ITT: Interesting and unusual stuff that's happening on:

Try to keep these to a minimum: Non-happenings, small GETs, complaints about shit boards being shit, known spergs sperging out, personal report buttons and blogposting
>PPH trackers: https://marge.moe/ https://soygem.party/stats.php https://soyjak.link/
>Archive gemmy threads: https://archive.is https://ghostarchive.org https://megalodon.jp/
>View past threads: https://archive.is search - https://archive.marge.moe/ (warning: use latter with VPN/TOR)
Past happenings:
Previous thread:




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I got my BBC dildo today.


shut it tf down


Whoops i forgot to add "/soap/ - Soysphere Happenings thread" into the subject


bars of soap up my huge anus


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i stopped checking the soyshphere after the chinny shut down did anything noteworthy happen or was it the usual slow decline


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fixed your thread award


serbia got rangebanned on the sharty due to constant CP spam


holy based this site should do this too and rangeban ukraine also


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Any day one shemmySHITS still alive and kicking?


no they all went back to the sharty and discord since this shithole is dead af and barely works


meds the site hasn't gone down in like a week
it should still shut down though


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still here nigga


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day two


nigga is a rotting husk


im waiting for this website to die


The people who made vnc.wft got doxxed because they like MLP and something something pedophile
In response they made a dickcord


whys the wiki down


Ask our dev in the rizz thread







up even doe nothing day


bleed out bumpcord


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>>>/ohio2/ has been removed


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>>>/qa/ now only has 10 pages


soyjak.party links to the booru now


It's now changed back???




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today is the 1st aniversary of the shemmy. "aniversary" is now the default theme of the site

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