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>all men are kings despite the fact that women don't go "oh wow he's a bachelor, gotta get me a piece of that ass" like they do with actual princes because um i'm a retarded femboy incel and it doesn't matter if a guy is a prince or not to me what matters is he's a tall guy who lifts


saging this femboyphobic slop




Femboys are cute though


men can't be cute


it depends but femboys are trannies and trannies can't be cute


Kill yourself gynephilic pedophile tranny pederasts


>saying men cant be cute makes you a pederast now


theyre not trannies and some trannies are cute


>saying trannies are ugly makes you a pedophile now


i didn't reply to 214275 meds
kill yourself pedophile


They are trannies and all trannies are ugly and disgusting


I have no idea what OP is saying and I don't get how this femboy/tranny trend even started.


tsmt ive never heard of the word femboy before 2018


I actually meant the discussions about this stuff for the past few days on here but yeah, that too.


chinnyGOD culture they brought over when they KKKolonized shemmyfails


By trying to mock God, you only mock yourself.


File: 1737541350939.png (60.97 KB, 220x271, 1737541344949.png)

>By trying to mock God, you only mock yourself.


ok boomer
i still love you


being a femboy agp pedo gooning to male immaturity makes you a pedophile

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