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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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 No.1982[Last 50 Posts]

Sup. We jannies have been thinking for a few hours about changing certain rules, so as to better reflect our desires as a community. It's better if we all openly discussed this to arrive at more optimal conclusions.
The rules in question:
>6. You WILL NOT post Personally Identifiable Information without that person's consent. Consent is interpreted as voluntary approval.
>8. Pornography is allowed if spoilered (in the case of links, use markdown). Pornography dump threads (i.e. threads primarily dedicated to posting pornography) are banned.
>9. You WILL NOT post gore. Guro is allowed if spoilered.
In the case of rules 8 and 9, we are thinking of: 1. unbanning gore, and 2. unifying the rules. The idea being that guro/gore would be treated the same as pornography, i.e. spoiler it, and don't make dump threads.
>(this would go above the rule list) NSFW is defined herein as contents depicting pornography and/or gore.
>#. NSFW is allowed if spoilered (in the case of links, use markup). NSFW dump threads (i.e. threads primarily dedicated to posting NSFW) are banned.
In the case of rule 6, the doxxing rule, we take into consideration the cultural status of doxxing as a weapon of sorts, to fend off undesirable persons.
>1. Doxxing is allowed, with three conditions:
> a. The person must have infamy for their reprehensible actions toward others;
> b. The person must be at least tangentially relevant to the website;
> c. We reserve the right to delete doxes according to our judgement.
Feel free to suggest alternative drafts for the rules mentioned or anything else you'd like.


posting in sticky or something


mods can you email GCHQ and tell them it was just a prank


cucked, gore should be treated the same as 'li


what the fuck does this mean


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restrict gore to /pol/ like da shardee did it
im fine with the doxxing draft


>become the sharty
this is a different website. if you want the sharty's exact ruleset and userbase, go there.


whats 'li?


wtf is guro?


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im guessing soylita
think gore but anime and as a fetish


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Sorry for the late response
Nobody even wants you here pedo
Thanks for the input. I think /pol/ doesn't have the same role or relevance it does on the sharty so it doesn't make as much sense, it's not as applicable here as it is there.
Drawn gore


just tell them it was a joke i'm not really gonna kill nigel farage
I dont want a criminal record please


Mess I can't clean up for you award


you have to use your magical janny powers we are counting on you


why do you keep talking about doxing, ive only ever seen logans dox posted here. its a non issue. same with gore. just a gay janny attention whore thread really


having discussions about the rules LE BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD


how about instead of debating nonsense rules that literally don't matter like le doxing boogieman, they work on figuring out a better solution against botting instead of this retarded captcha nonsense.
it doesn't matter what rules are in place if nobody is posting


you don't think with the amount of times the captcha has been changed now that they aren't trying to find some sort of solution to the botting? The nigger who's botting is just that autistic.


and by changing the captcha you mean continuing to use the same retarded shit just slightly changed. right


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i don't know anything about captcha shit so i can't say. But instead of whining like faggot how about suggest things to them directly in this thread?


no thanks ill keep complaining sweetie, you can go back to debating why doxing is good or bad for literally no reason if you want


we have this captcha because one obsessed botter is trying to ruin our site. that's it.


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>The person must have infamy for their reprehensible actions toward others;
Does this only count actions toward users of this website? I'm fairly relevant and if I strangle prositutes to death and then leave them under mattresses in hotel rooms is doxxing me allowed?


why cant the captcha grant a pass for an hour or something. and we can also have a limit for like 3 threads and 15 posts in case they try to spam too much.


Dox rule part a is too vague. Is Doll considered reprehensible for allowing dataminers on his site, attempting to take over this site with a fake identity, maliciously creating multiple fake identities and more?
And since the current rule has been around, people have reposted Dolls dox here constantly and even expanded on it. Its as if theres an unwritten rule saying doxing is banned except if its Logan.


>15 posts
15 posts per thread?


in my opinion there should be a checkbox all jannies have access to where they can turn captcha on or off on /soy/. they should turn it off when they're online and nothing is happening, then turn captcha on either after attacks or when they are about to go offline.


in total idk im just throwing out ideas


see >030
what do you think


Why is the captcha even soyjak related, the only people who would maliciously spam the site would know what jaks are what. Make it a simple maths question or something, someone brand new to soy wojacks wont know shitty nujaks like shotjak
Its already a hard sell when no other soyjak site makes you do captchas before each post


>implying a simple maths question wouldn't be easy as fuck to automate
the real problem is the question being unreadable, its really obvious who shotjak is from the context anyway


I really doubt the retard spamming the site is capable of creating a bot that answers maths questions that were autogenerated as an image, it's a lot easier said than done creating bots that can interpet images and answer them. That was just 1 example anyway, my original point still stands




also again you say "its easy to understand who shotjak is with context" but you ignore the first part where I say someone brand new to soy wojacks, obviously they wouldnt have context


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>heres why the pph killing impossible captcha is actually a good thing
>im actually glad we ignore literally every other simple captcha solution out there


hey mods, what do you think of this


then let them just look it up or get a new captcha that isnt shotjak, this is such a nothingburger, nobody unfamiliar with soyjaks ends up on the shemmy
>the bot can read the question that was autogenerated as an image but he wont be able to read a math equation
im sure you are an expert on this topic and know what you're talking about
that said maybe using different fonts and letter sizes would help?


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Doll paid Lee to turn it on permanently, shouldn't have shared his dox little buddy


Keep moving the goalpost so you can continue glazing the worst captcha that is objectively killing the site, dumbest nigger alive. Shemmy deserves it at this point, completely fumbled the bag after the massive pph increase from the datamining drama, captcha made it go back to the same namefags who keep the pph on life support


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never forget


I don't like it either but the problem clearly isn't the fact that it's asking for a shotjak, retard


i hate doll
read >>2010


I do agree with 030 but I'm not a janny tho


there's always a janny online here so im surprised none have replied


Right because people should have to google answers to a captcha to post, how do you ever expect the site to grow or for anyone to recommend it to their friends. I still believe its unreasonable for these reasons


TSMT, we need a better captcha that isnt related to soi culture


>can't name moderately obscure variants that have been around for over a year
>have to "google" them
go back


i didnt know what shotjak was called




>math questions
it can just brute force it through a random number generator


btw why not try changing the text font/size/rotation/background instead of just using the blur? not a captcha expert, just throwing out an idea


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>Go back
bro thinks hes on 4cuck, sorry i dont know the name of your retarded nujaks because i dont use the sharty anymore. it wasnt even the point of my post anyway
>how do you ever expect the site to grow or for anyone to recommend it to their friends


it's very weird to complain on behalf of people unable to familiarize themselves with memes on a meme site, also you admitted to enjoy concern trolling before


what is the point of allowing gore


this site should be as close to the early un-rulecucked sharty as possible


okay if its spoilered i dont care


obsessed post history stalker


well you did offer that information unprompted and attached it to an avatar
someone even reposted it to kiwifarms kek


mymyspambros what is this?


>its wrong to argue on other peoples behalfs and want a positive change that fosters new posters
just such a weird thing for you to say, and then you resort to stalking my post history for a gotcha. ill stop then, do whatever you want i dont care its not my pph dropping. i dont know why youre so mad over me saying the captcha is stupid and its killing the site


we should try and emulate the chaos of the old sharty, not be a boring rulecuck website.


nobody's mad and you're not as important as you think you are


>admitting to concern trolling and doing it anyway right after
not surprising you werent smart enough to cry about a real problem and not one only a drooling retard would complain about


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About the inhouse captcha: We do what we can to develop it at the pace that we can.
Discontinuing it would mean having a datamining NWO captcha again. What's best?
About offsite activity, I think it's up to common sense.
I do feel a. is the vaguest.
>Is Doll considered reprehensible for allowing dataminers on his site, attempting to take over this site with a fake identity, maliciously creating multiple fake identities and more?
>And since the current rule has been around, people have reposted Dolls dox here constantly and even expanded on it. Its as if theres an unwritten rule saying doxing is banned except if its Logan.
Yeah, this is a big motivation behind the rule rewrite. For the sake of consistency and avoiding unwritten rules.
Thanks. We've actually had this idea, it would be great to have IMO.
Thanks for the idea


and yet you're the one telling everyone im the mymy spammer when i never brought it up like it makes me look bad, i was trying to be helpful and instead you're trying to make personal attacks about me for no reason. good use of your admin privileges digging dirt on posters you dont like


who has the power to turn on/off the captcha? how hard is turning it on/off
i'm not an admin and i'm not the guy you're thinking of. i also didn't expose you for being the mymyspammer anywhere else, i just remembered the "concern trolling" line from the kiwifarms thread.


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you can't possibly be this retarded


Mods are unable to toggle the captcha.


tell the dev to let jannies/mods toggle it on and off
keep it on for all boards except /soy/ because jannies probably aren't watching /art/ to avoid it being wiped


you can see it through the overboard, but i don't know how many people actually use it
I do and i do report whenever something other than /soy/ gets spammed


sorry but i wont fall for another lie, you are trying to save face because i won yet another arguement


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Thanks for the suggestion. Already passed it on. We'll see
We do have the overboard and report system.
Yeah thanks btw


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Unban porn dumping it doesn't affect anyone and if it's spoilered it's your fault if you click on it


nobody ever checks /qa/ to report anything thats there, but I hope you put a janny-operated toggle in for the captcha on /soy/


i do report it occasionally it's just that the jannies hate /qa/ and refuse to clean it up


Unban loli you cowards. I know you want to.(FUCK OFF PEDOPHILE)


stop masturbating


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The site should remain at least somewhat SFW. I am skeptical of whether anything good will come from allowing NSFW dump threads
>nobody ever checks /qa/ to report anything thats there
>the jannies hate /qa/ and refuse to clean it up
I'm sorry to hear that, I'll be paying attention more. Yell wherever you want if we're neglecting certain boards.
Picrel for you


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>Unban loli you cowards. I know you want to.


I know you’re scared of people being scared off or whatever by allowing it, but really think. This whole website is about making fun of people with drawings. Do you really want people who get mad at drawings using it?


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how about stealing derpibooru's captcha lole
place random 'jaks with random emotions in random places, to solve it you need to name their emotions correctly through a drop down menu. this can get brute forced by random clicking, but what if you add a detector that can see if the speed of choosing the options in the menu is not humanly possible and detected it as a bot, if that is even possible to implement. this will force the botter to make the random clicker slower or something


Bro wants us to do a professor layton puzzle to post


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I do not think extreme equanimity is characteristic of the average poster here. It is, in fact, good to have a disgust response. Personally, I don't get mad when I see loli drawings; I am disgusted, more so when I think of the impulses of the consumers of such things.


>not wanting to filter out retards


Chud !!Am4rD0Edg6
dumb ass nigger LOL



Yeah, it's about the person posting it. Lolifags are utterly worthless and detrimental to the site


Soyjaks were created to enrage and troll people. I feel that it’s necessary to be pretty unbothered about most things if you’re going to be a good troll. You’re also a part of what killed/ is killing most soy sites. You’re far too serious about this nonsensical website. Don’t take things so seriously, they’re just soy wojack memes


kek someone is using the same
>if you don't like cp and bmt you're taking the site too seriously (=let me manipulate you into doing whatever i want)
argument i saw on the jarty yesterday


Treating drawings as child porn only serves to lessen how serious child porn is viewed in the eyes of the average person


drawings of what nigga.


i really don't know what solutions to come up with, choosing emotions might easier for a newfag than variants. this can be a site wide captcha that expires after an hour or two or something or after a certain amount of posts. hm noo that'll make it annoying too hmm


pedophile argument that means nothing, sexualizing children is inherently wrong in the general publics eye. nobody wants to see it. saying 1 form of child porn material is bad doesnt inherently make another any less bad


A child. Even then, would you say a drawing of a murder is as bad as someone being murdered? Or a drawing of rape is as bad as rape itself? Of course not. People only think it is in this case because of the knee jerk reaction they have. They’re too caught up in the fact that they find it icky.


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Yes, there is a shock value element to 'jakking. However, above all, it is satire, especially of stereotypes.
I find that idea quite humorous in this case. Perhaps you look like this and say this.
It's child porn.
Yes, the reaction is the same. The disgust response doesn't care.


why do you need to see images depicting sexualized children on the site?


>It is the same
Site is ran by retards. Bring back Yeji.


>bring me back


holy faggot.


/b/ is a shithole with nigger porn, 8chan is dead(USER WAS BANNED FOR BEING A PEDOPHILE)


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It's drawn child porn. Categorically, it's child porn. Psychologically, the visceral attraction is very much the same.
Also. jfl. No /b/ isn't coming back. Lolis aren't coming back.


nobody is talking about murder, they're talking about sexual depictions of children used for sexual gratification. it is a completely different scenario mentally and physically. if you were attracted to drawings of men id consider you gay, the same way i consider you a pedophile.


ban him.


…which is why you need to force your pedophilia onto everyone else? keeeeeeeeeeeeek


Gonna buy the site and allow lolis


>which is why i need to subvert your board to cater to my needs waaaaaah
This just shows lolicon niggers are worthless parasites. They don't have anything of worth on their own and are forced to leech off of someone who's not subhuman.


Wanna talk with lolibros


theres only 2 of you and you can just erp on telegram if you want to so much


yeji go take a shower you faggot


If it makes you so angry I might stay a while


There is no point debating with pedophiles, they get off on telling you that they like kids. You will never make them see the light


Anyways. Let us return to the thread's core discussion.
Is everyone OK with the new NSFW rule?
Is there anything we can do to improve the doxxing rule? I did answer a few questions, but I'm not sure if they clarified everything for you guys.


well gore being spoiler-only is fine I guess because it won't be used for coally spam


deleted the file award.


We'll see how it goes


im gonna touch you


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fuck off nigger
people with autism might have a hard time identifying emotions


i think this is a fun and exciting idea don't listen to the haters


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I think discussion went cold. I'm moving this to /sgp/. New rules are effective starting now. If there are fair points risen they may still be considered so don't worry.


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but shouldn't nu-teens familiarize themselves with the site culture before making posts
I think the current captcha is le good in that regard


it does force you to lurk a minimum amount
i dont think thats a bad thing at all
reminds me of that one otter site


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quick reply captcha is still broken fix it


This sucks and is worth leaving the site over
Jump ship


worlds biggest crybaby nigger award


Ban this pedonigger

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