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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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 No.4478[View All]

ITT we say our complaints about jannies
I don't like how random threads are pinned
235 posts and 69 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


i larping


This is such an awful thread


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Jannies add smurflare


Turning crybaby threads into garbage is Aryan.


Gooners won


Every thread on this website is a crybaby thread.


The only good threads on this site are the threads where people complain about the shitty


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>posted agugugu
>shocked that i called xim pedo


he's just farming for (you)s by revealing his pedophilia, probably has a humiliation fetish


who the hell are you?


we are on an anonymous board


There was a huge amount of random threads yesterday which didn't need to be stickied and I am not sure what this is about.
I gave the staff team a really high amount of freedom, but will restructure the team a bit pretty soon. And will be more of we.

Also the successful lenobait doesn't help. Capcoding, including from myself, was cut by a bit (excluding announcements). I take lenobait too much.

Oh and this thread will go to /sgp/ as it's ran its course.


but sticking random shit is fun


>ran its course


Please continue using the namefield a lot more. I don't know why you don't want mods to Capcode. You see, I want to live rent-free in their heads and the only way to do that is if they Capcode more. So please, angeleno, use it a lot more.


its ovarrr


> words words words


>autosaging shartycuck race fetish threads


sup baritone


baritone from soycraft?


Jannies hide recent images from /korea/ on menu since it's NSFW board, also reform rule 6 to be more lenient.


Make korea one page only


Honestly, I have no problem with the jannies. They do their job and do it well.


sexo with mykola


yeah i like to complain but i still think they're impressively good for a soyjak website


go back to /nate/


mykola will burn your dick with his fiery tail and it's not even a threat


mykola is literally burning


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ok this is just straight up rulecucking.
Reform rule 6 to be more lenient


Honestly, I have no problem with the jannies i do some shit they do nothing
ukranian above the LAW!


Make korea 1000 pages only and make it so only porn can be posted there


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>go back to /nate/


Dont do this


mykola like rocket he have fire trail under him


sexo with you


nsfw threads should be allowed, it makes zero sense to allow nsfw, but limit the number of images per thread


rename /qa/ to /korea2/ and ban all non porn dump threads






Get his ass


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I think we should allow NSFW dump threads on /korea/ only. I think /qa/ is already goonerish enough as it is.

btw, I will use your gemmy jak'n fap thread to post ass gems.







Oh my god


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Move this to sgp already


no one use /sgp/ doe


Do this.


End of thread I won kek

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