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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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 No.4895[View All]

In recent weeks, the site has fallen off hugely, when measuring directly from PPH and it makes complete sense.
>site gets made
>initial burst of traffic as it's something new
>site continues growing a little bit
>site starts declining in traffic
>Unstable leadership comes through
>My own leadership comes through
>Frootcord leaks happen, making PPH balloon
>People kinda forget about them and go back to what it was before

But that makes sense, people moving to something else based on outrage isn't going to make you succeed in the long run, only in the short-run.
In the chudosphere, think about Fox News. Despite MAGA Republicans (including Trump) consistently bashing Fox News and supporting alternatives such as Newsmax and OAN, and while indeed these platforms did balloon for a short period of time, Fox News still stays king.

If we try and just live on outrage all the time, it'll be short term and just render us as a jarty at the end of it all.

It's also important to remember, soyjak.party will always remain the main website. One of the biggest issues with many failed franchises or other things is their attempt to be "The X Killer," but that never works. Remember Zune? Remember Yo-Kai watch?

Don't think with soyjak.party in mind, or you will always be a dwarf of the website. Do what you want and It'll make this place, your mind, and the community a better place.

Within the moderation team, many of the moderators and janitors are on different pages. I think this partially has to do with me not effectively broadcasting things to the current modteam, along with me not being a NEET/jobless adult anymore (as it was for most of 2023), so obviously less free-time.
On the sharty, nudev put in a mod blotter of some sort, which is a really good idea, and as of the making of this post, it has been added to the shemmy.
I've been trying to push hospitality industry ideals within the website, which, as you can tell, hasn't really been done much. The idea within hospitality is to make sure the guest is indeed relaxed, happy, and satisfied. In this case, (You).

There also has not been janny applications in a while. That'll happen soon. I promise. It'll go through the application, then a small interview with either mutt or myself. You don't need to google interview questions or whatever. It'd just be to know you more.

Other things

Discussion and suggestions from mods:
From the managers and a portion of the mods, there was a thought on revamping the boardlist. I don't want to do any sweeping changes, but there is a standout.
>bring back /soy/
That was a controversial change done by the old site managers. Past polls rejected the idea of bringing the board back, but many both on and off the site have asked for it.
I'm open to trying it out again, someone give me a thumbs up and we'll try it out (like open it for 48 hours and put original svvt rules with it).

There's also a thought on removing /pol/ which honestly makes sense. We can even have a churro ad if they'd want it. The tentative boardlist managers thought of was /sgp/ /qa/ /soy/.
My thought amending theirs would be /sgp/ /qa/ /soy/ (possibly) /art/ /gen/ (latter being a generals board)

The botnets
The "yarioflare" stuff was actually supposed to have a PoW check on it, but I could never get done. It was universally agreed that shemmy cannot rely on Bidenflare and a panic button forever. Then again, there really shouldn't be botnet attacks going on from either side. It'll hurt the open internet in the long run if this can of worms continues being opened. Also sucks that I can't always do the leno approach to these kinds of people since I can't always hit the first point.

I'm pretty sure you can tell this part of the internet put a huge toll on myself. Just as it did with sootbaiting. I won't say much, but it affects a lot with me. And dealing with people here is similar but different than dealing with Karens in the real world. I have embedded many of my personal values into the shemmy, aiming for a community built on trust—like leaving your car unlocked and running for an hour and finding it untouched. However, it's unrealistic to expect 16-year-olds spamming "dead site lol" on multiple proxies for fun to understand or respect this.
For the unaware, the leno approach to solving problems online has always been:
>Who is the person doing this
>What are they doing
>Why are they doing it?
>What can be done about the action?

It has been removed from the website a while ago it broke and it's not getting fixed ever. I didn't really want to mention this, but some ask about it.

The 'craft
Shemcraft (1.20.1) is coming and will be announced. It will be on the original soycraft world and is approved by those in the sharty modteam.

The new soycraft (mc.soyjak.party // 1.20.6) is being created to attempt and unify the soysphere, so definitely play it if you'd like.

If you have any other feedback towards me, the modteam, or others, please let us know. If you have any ideas, also let us know.
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>made the site to be as free as possible to counter 4cuck's rulecucking
It was made to post soyjaks without getting banned, not to be as free as possible, it was just an alternative /qa/ since 4chan jannies would delete them and ban you at random


the sharty's quality declined over the years, but banning random gore spam on /soy/ in march of this year led to the worst site quality fall in sharty history. gore obviously can gatekeep some of the normies that currently infest the sharty.


Understandable, personally i think i was right about dodder and yeji fucking over the site, the rapefugee's colonized our culture, and all the gemmy oldfags left, killing the site even more. We have no culture no active community, angeleno taking over the site was a blessing.


>only for soyjaks
then why did soot only rarely ban porn posters?
why did he allow nikocado porn to be posted?
why did he never take action on liveleak videos spammed on the site?
he clearly allowed more than just freedom to post soyjaks.
the early sharty being nsfw and not soyjak-only is what made so many /qa/ users not join the vastly different sharty after the board was locked.


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>>only for soyjaks
I never said that I'm just saying that the original intent was to post soyjaks without getting banned, I just think saying the site was made for being 4cuck with no rulez is dumb


>I have embedded many of my personal values into the shemmy
its a soy wojack clone website where the only posters are samefagging jannies who are trans, get a grip. write it in your diary next time instead of crying online


Bait or mental retardation: you decide


It's bait


I'm not a tranny janny but I do samefag in my own threads because I think it's funny


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Finally, i was looking for that image for fucking AGES


You could have used a search engine


yeah idk what he meant by that


i hate that feeling too


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Trvke. I am happy that I was a part of it when the culture was in its prime, but this has died and we have to move on. Either that or we become oldfags ourselves.


the jarty failed becuase to the sharty they were a bunch of hypocrite troon niggers who had nothing to offer back then for sharty, this website not being able to keep up momentum against the sharty is also part of this problem to some extent altough not to the degree of the sharty.


a general rule and an absolute one to suceed is that when you are splintering your website should be significantly more lax when it comes to rules from the website you are splintering from
in the end you are always going to attract the people the sharty didnt want so why bother, i am not trying to say that you should allow pedophiles like the jarty.
another issue is that direction brained retards which are most of the shartys population view the shemmy as leftist meanwhile the sharty is a right wing website, this is wrong.


make it an eternity, I don't want 48h of /soy/.


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dead site lol


just do what people in old /qa/ did but on /b/ instead


don't they ban you for soyjak spam even on /b/?


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rotten stinky bait from an indian street




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Hi 'leno
Love u


Unironically branching out instead of becoming another splinter is probably the way the go, the problem would be doing it naturally instead of forcing it as some sort of gimmick. I still don't know exactly why the sharty, out of all the other now-dead altchans out there ended up being the one to take off, but I'm guessing at least one of the reasons was that a lot of those other altchans were just places where people who were banned on the 'cuck and didn't know how to evade would congregate since, again, they were just trying to emulate something else, even if they were emulating only a certain aspect of it like old 4cuck or comfy 4cuck or technology boards on 4cuck or whatever. The shemmy definitely has potential, and it is far less dead than it could be, let's be honest, but still, there's a gold vein we're missing


shemmy has no culture, it can either try to pose as a better, less rulecucked and free of datamining alternative to the shitty, or fall into irrelevance


shemmycuck words words words


nobody gives a shit about your fucking website gay nigger


evendoe you care enough to come here and post


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even do-ACKKKK


forgot my arrow fuck


anti-shemmites really look like ai bird abominations keeeeeeeeeeeek


altchans are deader than you think and most niches have been filled aside from some websites






Don’t listen to his lies. “Angeleno” is hebrew for Moloch. He sacrifices innocent nusoinamefaggas to the shrine of molorenzoch. This entire thread is larp, samefag and deception to disorient nusoicacas. Leave the website before it’s too late, matomo will mine your address


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The issue with the frootcord leaks isn't that people forgot, but that it made people just leave the soysphere. The 'arty is just mostly bot spam which is why its ppd is still doing well. When you look at the booru, wiki, and /soy/ itself, its extremely clear the site is a husk. The soysphere is dead and clinging to it will doom this site as well. If you actually want the shemmy to succeed you need to carve out your own niche. Maybe keep a few jakking boards but focus on fostering new unique boards with utility or themes. Think media, anime, outdoors, tech, science, and so on. Even if the soysphere wasn't at culture death, why would someone entering it ever pick the shemmy over the sharty. 'leno should create a poll to see which hobbies the users of the shemmy are interested in so that we can find the best new board to add that we can most effectively keep active while also creating a space new people would be drawn too… or something like that o algo
>t. shartydeity migrant


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Don’t listen to his lies. “Angeleno” is hebrew for Moloch. He sacrifices innocent nusoinamefaggas to the shrine of molorenzoch. This entire thread is larp, samefag and deception to disorient nusoicacas. Leave the website before it’s too late, matomo will mine your address


I don't think soysphere is dead. It's going to evolve into something new and no one knows what it will be now, but there are no signs that it's dying. The 'jakking may be a dying art, though. What you propose is to make a step backwards to times even before the soysphere was created and make a generic dead altchan with no leading idea that would justify its existence. It won't work. Many people have tried this and the Internet is full of dead imageboards that nobody wants to use.


Don’t listen to his lies. “Angeleno” is hebrew for Moloch. He sacrifices innocent nusoinamefaggas to the shrine of molorenzoch. This entire thread is larp, samefag and deception to disorient nusoicacas. Leave the website before it’s too late, matomo will mine your address


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wow angeleno really is moloch


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i have a genius idea
let's close the website for a week to give everyone a break and then reopen it


dont do this or else the site will die


you know, thats actually not even a bad idea.


i thought frootcord was leak by affy


It is not that serious nigga you do it for free


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the reason why people left is becuase there was nowhere to go, angeleno is a massive and i mean MASSIVE retard for atleast not trying to take advantage of this and 4chan already exists for what you are talking about, it won't work and it's too divisive
combined with this is that no one trusts anything now, angeleno tarnished his image and people distrust him as false opposition and a leftcuck nigger.
nothing else will work, the best we can do now is try to somehow fuse with the churro and tone it down with the rulecucking which only makes things sound more hopeless in my opinion becuase they'res a higher chance that ronald goes apeshit and fucks over everything than angeleno the nigger ever doing anything other than promote /s4s/ troon garbage.



Yeah this site is "the shemmy." There'll still be a soy board but the shemmy will be more.

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