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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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>changing the default name from Chud to Sean
>having the exact same rules as the sharty but more
>refusing to either quality control (like svvt's jannies did) or allow real liberty on /soy/, leading to a terrible mix where /soy/ is both rulecucked and coal-filled
>leaving the soysphere to become a dead general-purpose altchan that only the jannies and the 'stuckcuck will use
>can't hide posts
>no inbuilt post filtering system
its like angeleno WANTS to kill this website or make it into shitty controlled opposition to the sharty


the 'stuckcuck is lee btw


controlled opposition means that we’d be actively be opposing the sharty and doing whatever they want the opposition to do
we are simply just getting out of our shell and you are scared of that




it is though


>getting out of our shell is when we both rulecuck and allow coal to fill page 1


making the default name Sean is the worst change yet


Tsmt, though its still chud on /soy/



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