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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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 No.5231[Last 50 Posts]

So I wanna know what you guys think of the current administration and how we're handling things. Alongside criticism, suggestions, and in general what you guys want for the site.
Feel free to ask questions too and i'll answer them to my best ability.
Thread will be moved to /sgp/ later.


holy freaking crap Lois im cumming




yet another account fail


do some quality control and ban shit like spadeson like the svvt era


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word/hashban the shartypedo bot obsession spam


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>yet another account fail


whos gonna tell him


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I do want to try and get jannies to start doing something about it, just the problem with it is you can't make everybody happy doing shit like that. Trying to have quality control causes jannies to start making stupid decisions deleting things that aren't really that bad or whatever. I was thinking of maybe getting some light coal policing into action but it feels a bit too rulecucky and I wanna know what you guys would think first.


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nobody does this


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Can you please ban demoralization, it is something I don't like


bring back /sss/


i already wrotr paragraphs about what can be done. i think a good leader and tidy structuring will make it better


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we do usually get rid of demoralization spam, ironically it's mostly just fresh cloaks posting things like that. Wouldn't be surprised it's frootcord.


How do you have these ducks that have slightly more melatin in their skin


it 100% of the time is


forgot my capcode award
Yeah I know, i'm gonna try to get 'leno to get someone into second in command, he mentioned he'd even be willing to get someone new from the community when i asked him about if he'd sell the site. I don't think i'd be the best fit for that though. We'll see.
We've already brought back /sss/ multiple times and almost always it dies, i don't see a reason to add it at this point.
Some of the ones posting it are normal posters and are just probably baiting, which is why im guessing some jannies are unwilling to really deal with the demoralization sometimes.


Make the site alive


account fail


Why so obsessed with me gringo youre being obsessed brimstone


this site cant grow like the sharty did (large doxxes that gave the sharty a lot of attention therefore users) so it will grow slower than the sharty
go for a quality > quantity approach where more focus is put on making gems, oc ‘jaks, new themes, new banners, soy music videos, and some other stuff than just pure pph.
remember, 4cuck has 10000000000 trillion pph and that site is complete trash.
if the site is always full of gemmy oc it will naturally grow, slower than if it was kiwifarms 2.0 like sharty but it would still grow.


Swinny does that doe and its dead


>>>242680 (You)
Some of the ones posting it are normal posters and are just probably baiting, which is why im guessing some jannies are unwilling to really deal with the demoralization sometimes.
id handle it under normal procedure, but we have a dwindling userbase so we cant do that, same thing with the "wahhh le rulecucks are making le site unfun!", they are mad because they cant spam 'p/gore/doxxes, so we should deal with them accordingly, albeit lesser punishments for ones that have a post history


a lot of the people who want less rulecucking are actually against doxxing afaik


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This is what I want the shemmy to be. Although we've probably been a bit too lenient into trying to appeal to different posters and such.
Difference is the swinny was always pretty much dead, only really gaining steam when they were having slapfights with us. Drama always out preforms growth when it's compared to a OC focused site. After the drama was basically over they didn't have anything to cling onto other then whining about us and making subpar OC sometimes.


Oh I see


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also the original gorefag said he hates soylita, so i kind of doubt he would post 'p


if rulecucking is you cant spam 89374091743671903458769 low quality nas garbage demoralization/'p/frootcord shill/advert threads with bots, then Yes, i am 100% a rulecuck


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oh boy yeah look i'm trying to think of ways of how we should really even tackle that whole thing. I'm open to ideas though.


Photoshop lol


you are a zoophile, you are no better than the jartycucks who make the threads you spam dino zoophile coal in.


squeak squeak


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seething shartypedo award


squeak squeakcord is quite active again isn't it?


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>squeak squeak
>squeak squeakcord is quite active again isn't it?


make me admin.


finish the project first


Dont do this


/liberty/cucking will ALWAYS lead to a 10 pph glorified ‘cord server
meanwhile ruleCHADDING is found in every major social media platform




Add upvotes and downvotes


Kys joel


what does this mean?


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Ban everyone who uses the coalyma rizz. They are all africans who want to ruin this site.



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Mod everyone who uses the gemlyma rizz. They are all aryans who want to save this site.


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>Ban everyone who uses the coalyma rizz. They are all africans who want to ruin this site.


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make /emo/ for like a day as a joke board


Do this


/emo femboys/ make it happen






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Hell no


Add upvotes and downvotes


site culture really has always been the most important thing


I think you miss typed or auto correct changed your message from "hell yes" to "hell no"




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>went from being a tranny to loving trannies


Third time Add upvotes and downvotes


Bro thinks im yeji ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️ only in turky bruh




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>Third time Add upvotes and downvotes


Rangeban Israel


Dont do this


It's already rangebanned though


sell this site to kuz.


Unrange ban isreal and create /talmud/ a safe space board for jews


also ban antisemitism and ban all goyim


Hell no




do these.








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I just wanted to say thank you to you guys for doing a great job. I have been on soyjak sites since '21 and on web forums since way before then. This site is a very chill and friendly place.
My general question is, is NSFW okay? what are the limits to what you can post here?
I'm looking forward to community events and to be involved with making new OC
Cheers all!~

definitely wordfilter "why so dead shemmyshits?" to something like "why so alive shemmychads/GODs?"


when did you first join an imageboard?


he doesn't remember when "Remilia" would wordfilter into "axe wound"


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NSFW is okay as long as it's spoilered, this goes for all boards. Internally in the staff the line where it's NSFW for us is described as something being sexually suggestive. I'm debating on if we should add a NSFW board where it's allowed to be unspoilered and what not but i feel like it'd really make our reputation worse and also cause a lot of problems down the line.





change my diaper


does shock content that isnt really attractive like 'cado count as nsfw


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The first webforums I used were ones that looked like Soyblog or kiwifarms format but it was for video games and making sprites in the 2000s. around 2004-2007 I started posting on 4chan

I will say that being an anonymous website has it's benefits and downsides. (LE HECKIN' OLDCHAD KULTUR, LURK A MILLION YEARS OR SOMETHING) I have no problem with namefagging and I think the format of those old forums was gemmy and I liked the customizable html signatures and stuff like that.

Appreciate your response.
That totally makes sense. Dang, was gonna post my porn folder…
Idk why I want a soyjak /gif/ or /wsg/(sfw), maybe it's not for the best but I think it'd be gemmy.
What do you think about the shartys emojis, the quote feature, VC? do you plan to implement any fancy new toys for us to play with in the future similar to that?
Cheers, friends.


>What do you think about the shartys emojis
oldfag coal that nobody uses anymore
>the quote feature
that is always usefull, idk why it was removed here
the site was already froot and nudev's personal discord server anyway

did the soycucks ever get their shitty cytube clone working or did codenigger be lazy and fuck his xixinping sex doll 300 more times that day?


nah, it's usually normal users baiting and I say this because I do this. It's fun, I do that in every site I like.


So basically just /jarty/ even doe a nsfw board would be flooded and self raided


I'm not the one who decides those types of things, although i feel like features are sometimes a bit too gimmicky and end up being unused a couple days after they're added. I'd rather have a developer spend that time on making a special event or something like that. Although Angeleno would probably have more to say on your subject.


>they are mad because they can't spam 'p/gore/doxxes
>they are mad because they can't spam 'p
nobody, literally NOBODY is doing this, you're tweaking, stop blaming everything on your boogeyman




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excited for the future
stay gemmy, friends~


blud thinks he is a wholesome chungus


Naaahhhhhhh defuq nigga this is not reddit bitch ass nigga only in OHIO mange i swears man this nigga be BITCHIN fr dawg ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️


nahh we gettin spammed now
mutt wake up nigga


fr no cap






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are you pretty much an oldfag who goes where the gems, lulz, win, whatever you wanna call it go?


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Less rulecucking and overzealous moderation and thats it.


>Flood detected

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