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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1724261946061.png (121.97 KB, 994x1036, engieferal.png)


With my return as Dev, I am much more experienced now after 6 months and run my own site, so I can adequately add features now.
This is the Shemmy Suggestions thread, ask for new features to be added here.


Add a feauture that range super ultra mega bans fecalteen, brapitone and jaiACKcuza so it is impossible for them to ban evade it


add the prophesied typing quirk field


this embed in homepage would be funny i think


do this


File: 1725817659909.png (35.01 KB, 216x193, ClipboardImage.png)

Replace the autoplaying video/gif on the booru with the thumbnail to prevent wasting bandwidth for absolutely no reason at all


do this


File: 1726377107415.gif (376.67 KB, 579x767, 901.gif)

codefag wake up NOW


File: 1726908104636.png (205.68 KB, 376x400, ClipboardImage.png)

add /mu/ or at least bring back /mtv/

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