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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1729368133671.png (1.33 MB, 2048x1965, fact.png)


Instead of using an account verification system where people can just mail their accounts to quote and let him bypass bidenflare with 200 IPs I suggest we switch from vichan to rDramas and WPDs open source code (https://fsdfsd.net/rDrama/rDrama) which actually has advanced anti spam measures that won't let you log into an account from 300 different IPs and will solve the spambot problem. You can still stay anonymous as there's a built in ghost threads feature,a bump post order like on imageboards and you can even post with Tor (without being able to attach images) so there's no datamining concerns


How the fuck do you find this shit i made this post as bait to see if the devs would actually consider making r/shemmy


I mean you could just remove it, no?

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