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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1730493638449.jpg (22.63 KB, 474x379, 1710826962302.jpg)


Do you guys think this site would be benefited more by more rules or less rules?


i think every shemmyGOD should get a bbc dildo sent to their house for funsies


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I'm asking seriously doe. So give me a serious answer.


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i am serious doe….
but i think we shemmysluts would leak a little if more rules were added


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would it not make this site more favorable towards most of the soysphere's population though? Our reputation is pretty bad in that regard.


delete this


shemalies would provably leak and the other soysphere soyteens wouldn't really care
probably maybe idk i havent really seen how nusois react


they don't like our site mostly because we're basically the closest soysite that's comparable to your generic oldfag altchan, remember the fact that nusois really hate anything that's remotely "cute" or they see as "epi".


>nusois can't appreciate beauty and purity
keep them out

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