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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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 No.6638[Last 50 Posts]

This 'log is why so many people left this place


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its fine i dont get what youre complaining about


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People don't want to see gore, porn, and garbage bait all the time.




Tsmt I don't want to see autistic fucks slam HURR DURR BBC HURR DURR FEMBOYS to get reactions. It's fucking trashed kek. Mods we need quality control


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The only thing you post are shitty blogposts about how you want to have sex with neil cicierega


We will be putting in place quality control measures soon. We hope this pushes more posters to use the other boards, we don't want /soy/ to be a random board.


Are you retarded? Why would you want to dilute the already abysmally low pph by forcing people to post on other boards?


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>We will be putting in place quality control measures soon. We hope this pushes more posters to use the other boards, we don't want /soy/ to be a random board.


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We believe the other boards should have a reason to exist. /soy/ being a random board really lowers the quality for a lot of posters, and we believe partially caused people to leave in the end. We're still discussing on how we should go about this process at this point, but we're open to suggestions as always.




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I'm still gonna fall for it


too much bait can kill a site


>bait is illegal on the shemmy now
kek enjoy your 0 pph shithole then since thats the only time people actually post on your site


/qa/ is for schizos and for when a thread makes a janny leak and he moves it, /art/ is for art and it's not completely dead, /z/ is vadim's circlejerk board that he won't delete, /sgp/ is to complain to jannies, /pol/ is a dead nigger that deserves to be deleted. I don't see what the problem with the boards is


bait will stay legal, but not "OH I LOVE BBC BOYKISSER ZELLIG KILL ALL YT BOIS!!!" kind of bait


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We never said this. You're always free to bait. But we know that it's completely taken over any quality that this site has had. We believe that it's gotten to a point where it makes the site unusable for a lot of the userbase. Of course that can't be the only reason why things have been on the downward. Which is why I implore people to complain all they want in this thread about what's wrong with the site. Decisions aren't final yet either, so it'd be possible for someone to change our mind on something.


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literal who
we don't hire chinnycucks


This. We need to figure out how to get this site out of the frankly abysmal state its in.


>But we know that it's completely taken over any quality that this site has had.
no shit because no one else wants to post and me and the sarrbian are the only ones posting when theres 0 pph
that's aryan shemmycuck


reported for using capcode outside of /sgp/


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I figured honestly, I don't care for alot of the shitty bait but trying to falseflag people for shit like posting 'p is not something we'd like here.
Vadim said we can, just for this thread nigga


We are trying to weed out this kind of behavior

Anything I say should be taken with a grain of salt, I do not represent the opinions of the entire team.


i wasnt even samefagging lil bro :skull: no shit i cant make 2 different posts now? rulecucked site


also reported for showing IP info


>leaking due to people sameGODing
man who hired this shitty ass janny
i dont think the falseflagging is actually so people think heckingemmy is a pedophile but to make him seethe, chinnycucks falseflag as each other 24/7 for shits and giggles


>i dont think the falseflagging is actually so people think heckingemmy is a pedophile but to make him seethe, chinnycucks falseflag as each other 24/7 for shits and giggles
I know. But we want the site to actually have a better reputation. People misunderstand things all the time in the soysphere, and we'd like to not have any unwanted reputation of being a safe haven for 'p posters or any of that kind of nonsense. We've ignored for a while this issue due to not wanting to rulecuck the site, but that clearly has not played out favorably for the site's situation.


>>6661 (You)
>leaking due to people sameGODing
man who hired this shitty ass janny

I am not leaking. The user is clearly against the shemmy and wants it to fail. Anybody with a brain can realize this.


did someone leak on kiwifarms or something
thats dravidian chillyshit


please mods ban everybody saying that I'm a pedophile, I'm scared of some retards thinking its true


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chinnybros mindbroke the shoally so bad bros the jannies started capfagging and writing essays



>ban everybody saying that I'm a pedophile
you do realize if they do this then the shemmy will be more rulecucked than 4cuck and the sharty combined?


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We know that people are leaky about this site on there. Yes. But it's more than just the kiwifarmers. Most of the soysphere probably despises this site for what it's become. And we'd like to reverse how they think of us. We've noticed how many former posters describe the situation on the site becoming worse and worse. Which i'd arguably say was because of the staff becoming less and less rulecucked.


your site died


readd /y/. add vc like the sharty and make us have mandatory soyaoi goon sessions. you have 5 minutes.


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>vc like the sharty


Actually, VCs would be gemmy. Sounds hard to add though


>users on this site: 1 turknigger, a few pooners and foids, sharty autists
even discord is better than this site


i do not look like that
>all two shemalies in one vc sitting in silence because shemmycucks are too introverted to say anything
yep issa gem


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>me saying how many people use this site is why you should keep allowing the reason for why people wanted to leave this shit hole in the first place goyim


i dont think the shemmys reputation in the rest of the soysphere matters much as long as they dont think its filled with pedophiles, if you ever been on the swinny youd know that rulecucking the site is a bad idea that would just rape the pph harder than quote did


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Funny how the chinny was bascically a blueprint of how to have an actual active soishit splinter but for some reason soibabas don't follow it


It isn't like we're going to rulecuck our site as hard as theirs. Not at all. But we do believe a little quality control is in need. We've seen many people complain about our lack of it over the last couple of months.


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Yet you're here. Out of all places you faggots are here, kind of hilarious actually.


Yeah because the site shut down it was 3 times more active than yours and only existed for 3 months


>how the chinny was bascically a blueprint of how to have an actual active soishit splinter
churrofags are on their third site kek.


Why does a shitposting site need "quality control"?


so it stays funny


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Activity never measures quality, and the shemmy is incompatible with chinnypedos. Why aren't you retards on the spinny anyway?


The chinny shut down because of CP and botspam though not because of norulescucking


Nobody finds this site funny, its used by 5 people as their chatroom


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Only cause you faggots made 80% of the posters leave back in july and further on.
It's time to accept that allowing sharty /pol/ posters on this site KILLED it.


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kill cereanigger kill cereanigger cereanigger deserves DEATH

























You can go back to your capcode janny and this site has neither quaility nor quantity, its exactly the same as the sharty except with more rules, less posts and less users


Killed it how? From what I remember most posters went to the chinny because they got tired of your rulecucking


During the early era of the chinny i saw that we were getting shemmy migrants because they were mad about the gore ban and rulecucking


>you faggots made 80% of the posters leave back in july and further on
guess where those 80% posters went? to the chinny retarded samefag janny


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Alot of people who left the shemmy said it was always alot better before the frootcord leaks happened, you know what happened after the frootcord leaks happened? Sharty /pol/ posters.
Proof for that claim?


Before that there was an admin that allowed gore and everything legal on /b/ you retard


>you know what happened after the frootcord leaks happened?
The shemmys pph surpassed the shartys


>Proof for that claim?
juunefag, cosworkfreak, cobsonadult, kellyfag, etc.
i can go on and on


feral's still here albeit


feraIteen and coswork didnt migrate to the chinny


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Lee was quickly replaced if you don't remember, i feel like you niggers ignore the fact that normal posters aren't used to your extreme faggotry every time you appear


Was he replaced because he was actually good?
>normal posters
This site doesnt have any posters


Nobody liked him anyway, we also joined in on bullying him on this site.
I doubt this happened, and even if it was probably only for a short time before he came back here kek
He was banned here constantly, of course he'd go to you faggots. You're really gonna brag about having a underaged autist on your site now?

It's hilarious the only ones you could list are basically made up of lolcows that get bullied here anyway kek


coswork is a funny lolcow i miss him


even doe he got replaced because he was an unstable faggot who didn't actually know how to run a site


i only went if i got banned for a bit i wasnt like a resident there like permanently i think


dont be mean to cosworkfreak…..


I doubt dodder or vadim are any better. Youve had your "quality control" for months and your site is still dead


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>Youve had your "quality control" for months and your site is still dead
really now? In what way exactly has quality been controlled in any meaningful way.


the site was pretty unrulecucked up until they hired new jannies though


Banning gore and nsfw


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That was only cause nujannies needed to have extra time to become consistent. We've already gotten a good hold on them.


i am going to yap at you


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just do it on /pol/ bruh
i don't think it's good for this site to be showing porn and gore to 16 year olds either way


sad to see 99% of this thread is just the same janny samefagging arguing with chinnyBVLLS


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samefagging le bad when janjan does it
samefagging le good when falseflagging people for posting 'p




great thread


Why rulecuck the site more to appeal to oldfags who have probably completely left the soisphere and nusoitoddlers who think the shemmy is a CP website because froot told them? Isn't the point of the shemmy to be a shitposting site where you can have fun and not give a fuck? If people wanted quality control they could just use the swinny


do you want to see people sayin they want to post bmt and hating baby monkies, say they want to fuck cats, larping as people to pretend they say sick shit, posting bbc fantasies as "bait" (they jerk off to this) and spamming the log with their trash
cuz thats literally what happened when we dont quality monitor


>say they want to fuck cats, larping as people to pretend they say sick shit
you only want this to be banned because you seethe at people making fun of you
>posting bbc fantasies as "bait" (they jerk off to this)
you post your gay sex fantasies while not baiting
>and spamming the log with their trash
dont you also do this sometimes


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at least im honest about what i wrestle my jimmy to unlike bbc baiters


no one needs to hear that, you're soon getting gulagged to /qa/






oh my science…. i might actually come back



It's spam from a hostile offsite community, it deserves to be deleted or atleast moved. This is only my opinion of course, we should be guided by the conversation on telegram and not this thread.


And which community would that be? It feels like you're just deleting bait threads you dont like.


The Chinny, some lone actors, and even 'cords sometimes. Unless you are one of these posters you cannot deny that this is spam that is killing the website.


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Hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I wonder who else said something kind of like that like this like five months ago


>I wonder who else said something kind of like that like this like five months ago
I don't know, who said this?
The fact that somebody else already said this doesn't mean that my point is invalid.


It does not matter anywho, the site will never heal or gain back its pph, unless of course we make a active push to do so, maybe hold some events? Do some raids? Either way bait on the log or not the pph will continue to stagnate and people will leave the site like hawking radiation to a black hole, a significant amount of all the unique posters have left, the sootists, the leftypoltroons, scvr, pool, svvt, codefag all left, almost all of the posters from the chinny left or got banned, furthermore the DDOSSING from quote and the retarded account system crippled us even more (even if its not anyones fault for the ddossing id rather just rangeban his proxies than have a pph crippling retarded account system) even our lolcows left, even coswork left, tradeGOD left, the schitzo left (i think), all the sootists and sharty oldfags left especially after yeji became a admin for a couple months, yeji and doddermod's adminshipped crippled the site although i like doddermod alot more now but vadim literally does nothing, if anything vadim could literally die of a heart attack and nobody would even remotely notice, he could get comped and nobody would notice, if anything vadim is more of a security risk. We need more pph and we need to spread yet the admins are making it as hard as possible.


You might be correct, but pretending that the site is unsavable is just incorrect. The shemmy can still be salvaged.


We've always had a low pph and a more tight knit bunch of posters but whats the point if we never post or theres nothing actually engaging on the site outside of posting hyper ironic bait that does not really do anything, you need to start running soygem like a video game, start thinking like a video game dev, if you are playing a game with barely anything to do except some shitty coomer bait foid characters than you'd get bored quite quickly and only the weird coomers would keep retention because foids. You need something engaging and you need to encourage the community to make their own OC and actually do things


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>admins finally agree with me


You are actually kind of correct
I am just a mere Mod for now, admin SQQN™ though




what could be considered "hostile" can be really vague though, I feel like thats a bit unfair
also, it's not just chinny users who post bait like that


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>if anything vadim is more of a security risk SQUEAK SQUEAAAAAAAK

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