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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1733972026603.png (156.43 KB, 885x890, 1733971791695.png)


>this site has no hecking quality! lets ban bait and low quality posterinos!
it's a shitposting site lil bro
>we will save the site!
i cant even post unless i use this random vpn from a browser extension which was whitelisted for some reason. people dont want to make accounts to post and there arent even jannies in the cytube for days. casual posters wont email you or set up an irc client to make an account either.
>but the log is full of gigachads and bbc bait!
yeah, the few pol immigrants still here use the shitposting website to post shitposts. in eurohours this website often had 30 minutes without a single post before polcorders started funposting here. actual shitposting is filling a void, not replacing genuine posts.
even if shitposting did replace genuine posts i wouldnt care because its a shitposting website bek


op here i love bbc btw


File: 1733972216756.gif (1.22 MB, 250x250, gigachad shouting.gif)

high quality post website actually


File: 1733972245430.png (899.45 KB, 884x1080, 1733972239460.png)

>high quality post website actually






File: 1733972331625.jpeg (49.13 KB, 912x1024, giga shave.jpeg)

keep this site alive until the heat death of the universe


do this so we can archive cockvore gems forever


OP here, I am a faggot and have AIDS


File: 1734436620327.jpeg (82.28 KB, 800x800, IMG_2817.jpeg)

>SAVE this site make

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