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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1733995802459.jpg (Spoiler Image, 13.69 KB, 403x643, IMG_20241212_192853.jpg)


nu-shoally posters are just so boring but these are the posters soos and lee and mutt wanted i guess. i remember all the times soos and mutt acted so smug its just so funny to see my enemies fail. y'all really thought you were cooking


demoralization thinking mans post


File: 1733995838870.png (48.06 KB, 855x762, mymy fact sign neutral.png)


why do you keep posting if you hate this site man


File: 1733995891210.jpg (39.98 KB, 474x443, jannie.jpg)

>move thread to dead board
>sweep it from /soy/
>post gay porn drawings of minors

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