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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

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File: 1734096350355.png (92.07 KB, 738x291, ClipboardImage.png)


janny why am i banned


OP spammed child porn and bmt on the shemmy and the swinny


sorry lil bro but serbia still isn't white


>>6854 here
im trans


also thats my line nigga :skull:


File: 1734096653589.png (91.58 KB, 767x359, ClipboardImage.png)

why do you keep banning me nigger what did i post


bro cant read >>391433


the IP in the OP is my home IP




how do you expect me to appeal when theres no appeal box you retarded sub 60 IQ mongoloid tranny janny


my appeal:i dont know what i got banned for retard you didnt include the post that you banned me for


I can talk here


ping one of the 8 admins on discord or something and tell them to unban me


You have not provided a valid reason other than crying about being banned


what am i supposed to say when i dont even know what got me banned


We cannot unban people just because they want to be unbanned


Especially since you were banned for rule 2


ping the admins on discord and show me why i was banned


1 - We as a moderation team do not use discord
2 - I am timed out of the moderation chat until tomorrow, unless one of them sees this thread you are not getting this request


You're unbanned now but make sure to read the rules again since they've changed. I can't tell what post you got banned for but just be careful next time.


>I am timed out of the moderation chat until tomorrow

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