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/sgp/ - The Shemmy

meta stuff
Password (For file deletion.)

File: 1735074046179.gif (2.95 MB, 600x800, paper plier pull.gif)


Do you think that having a password screen just like bantculture would stop Quote?


There must be something better than Bidenflare and accounts to stop the spam and DDoS, Quote is not a genius or whatever, he works for an obscure soyjak website after all and he seems to have a lot of free time, as he spams and DDoS obscure imageboards as a hobby.


No cause he'll just ddos this shit site till it acks
bidenflare and the account system is basically the same thing anyway


Yeah but a password screen is better than Bidenflare because we'll get new posters, there must be something to stop his DDoS


File: 1735188342612.png (48.2 KB, 372x537, ClipboardImage.png)

the account system is not something we plan on keeping forever, but we are stuck with it until we manage to make something else to counter the botting.


That's good to know, but I still wonder if he can bypass password screens.

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